Cloke (Full Version)

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whackybeanz -> Cloke (12/12/2012 10:29:43)

Energy Element
Level	10	20	40	60	80	100	120	140	150
XP	43	53	127	459	2093	10690	58216	330856	798397
Gold	9	12	28	102	465	2375	12936	73523	177421
Power	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1
Melee	21	23	28	33	39	44	49	54	57
Ranged	21	23	28	33	39	44	49	54	57
Magic	11	13	18	23	29	34	39	44	47
EstHP	210	410	1020	1820	2650	3900	5270	6150	6590
EstMP	110	170	330	490	710	960	1230	1610	1810

STR	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
DEX	15	30	60	90	120	150	180	210	225
INT	20	35	75	110	145	185	220	255	275
END	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
CHA	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
LUK	15	35	65	100	135	165	200	235	250
Fire	10	10	10	10	10	10	10	10	10
Water	150	150	150	150	150	150	150	150	150
Wind	80	80	80	80	80	80	80	80	80
Ice	140	140	140	140	140	140	140	140	140
Earth	80	80	80	80	80	80	80	80	80
Energy	-50	-50	-50	-50	-50	-50	-50	-50	-50
Light	30	30	30	30	30	30	30	30	30
Dark	120	120	120	120	120	120	120	120	120
From a distance, a Cloke looks human... but when you are close enough you can see this alien's eyes extending on stalks. The Cloak are fighting on the side of the Devourer, but most of them do not want to.

Credits to In Media Res and Dualx. Updated stats by Suikoman444 and Scakk.

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