Corrupt Vartai (Full Version)

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whackybeanz -> Corrupt Vartai (12/12/2012 10:40:34)

Corrupt Vartai
Darkness Element
Level	9	34	69	84			
XP	17	47	621	2259			
Gold	17	36	288	847			
Power	1	1	1	1			
Melee	30	35	40	45			
Ranged	25	25	30	30			
Magic	25	25	30	30			
EstHP	120	460	880	1040			
EstMP	100	130	190	270			

STR	15	50	90	120			
DEX	10	40	70	100			
INT	5	20	40	40			
END	10	40	85	100			
CHA	0	0	10	20			
LUK	10	20	50	40			
Fire	60	60	60	60			
Water	110	110	110	110			
Wind	100	100	100	100			
Ice	130	130	130	130			
Earth	90	90	90	90			
Energy	100	100	100	100			
Light	100	100	100	100			
Dark	100	100	100	100			
Changed by the dark power of Mayhem!

Credits to Koree, ArchMagus Orodalf and arcangelgabrel.

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