Drakel Air Raider (Full Version)

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whackybeanz -> Drakel Air Raider (12/12/2012 11:39:06)

Drakel Air Raider
Wind Element
Level	4	24	44	64	84	104	124	144	
XP	33	57	145	568	2660	13795	75882	434295	
Gold	22	34	91	349	1646	8542	46977	268848	
Power	1.5	1.5	1.5	1.5	1.5	1.5	1.5	1.5	
Melee	35	40	46	52	57	63	68	74	
Ranged	15	20	26	32	37	43	48	54	
Magic	25	30	36	42	47	53	58	64	
EstHP	90	320	600	930	1320	1760	2250	2800	
EstMP	70	140	200	260	320	380	440	500	

STR	0	60	105	145	190	200	205	240	
DEX	20	60	105	150	190	200	210	260	
INT	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	
END	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	
CHA	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	
LUK	0	0	10	25	40	120	205	220	
Fire	110	110	110	110	110	110	110	110	
Water	100	100	100	100	100	100	100	100	
Wind	80	80	80	80	80	80	80	80	
Ice	90	90	90	90	90	90	90	90	
Earth	120	120	120	120	120	120	120	120	
Energy	100	100	100	100	100	100	100	100	
Light	90	90	90	90	90	90	90	90	
Dark	110	110	110	110	110	110	110	110	
  • You can obtain a temporary Drakel Tube when you defeat it.

    A renegade Drakel group has taken to the skies! Knock him down and take his weapon-- discovered by CatDrak!

    Originally posted by oppolus and In Media Res. Also thanks to Coronet, fz5656, Windy and deathtanz. Updated stats thanks to BlackAces.

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