Exit Warning (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [EpicDuel] >> EpicDuel Suggestions


arthropleura -> Exit Warning (12/12/2012 16:16:50)

When you're in battle, if you click close tab or window, it will come up with a notification for confirmation. That way an accidental click wont make you lose the battle. when im changing tabs i keep accidentalling clicking the tiny x and my mouse sometimes glitches out into the corner, so i think this would be helpful as i dont think im the clumsiest person in the world....
Option to turn it off too?
Thougths? I thought it would be very helpful x_x

XapApp -> RE: Exit Warning (12/13/2012 4:39:44)

Shift3r suggested this about a week ago. Exit confirmation message/Tab icon

Here's an image he posted of what would pop up: http://img842.imageshack.us/img842/4274/confirmboxleavethispage.jpg

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