Hybee Larva
Earth Element
Level 10 30 50
XP 34 63 194
Gold 12 22 64
Power 1 1 1
Melee 23 29 35
Ranged 15 21 27
Magic 20 26 32
EstHP 120 310 510
EstMP 40 60 90
STR 30 75 120
DEX 20 75 115
INT 0 0 0
END 0 0 0
CHA 0 0 0
LUK 0 0 15
Fire 150 150 150
Water 100 100 100
Wind 75 75 75
Ice 150 150 150
Earth 75 75 75
Energy 100 100 100
Light 50 50 50
Dark 200 200 200
This little creature looks harmless, until you realize that it will grow up into a very intimidating adult Hybee!
Originally posted by Baron. Thanks to BlackAces, In Media Res and Lyris.