Kingadent Slugwrath
Light Element
Level 60 100
XP 838 22290
Gold 281 5634
Power 2 2
Melee 49 59
Ranged 40 50
Magic 40 50
EstHP 790 1920
EstMP 420 630
STR 160 220
DEX 100 165
INT 0 0
END 0 0
CHA 0 0
LUK 40 115
Fire 50 50
Water 150 150
Wind 125 125
Ice 150 150
Earth 75 75
Energy 50 50
Light 75 75
Dark 125 125
Everytime he attacks, he heals «» HP*. This does not occur if he's at full health. He cannot heal past his maximum HP.
* - Nanotech Repair! «»
Level 60 100
Regen 47 77
One of the most misunderestimated leaders of the distant past, from a time of high technology as well as magic!
Write-up by Crimzon5. Stats thanks in part to rougemaster99 and Stephen Nix. Image by Sora Aeragorn.