MogZard (Full Version)

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whackybeanz -> MogZard (12/12/2012 21:34:13)

Female version

Earth Element
Level	10	35	60	85	110	125	135	
XP	43	105	490	3344	26592	96099	229173	
Gold	15	34	164	1117	8865	32038	76380	
Power	1.25	1.25	1.25	1.25	1.25	1.25	1.25	
Melee	16	23	30	37	44	49	52	
Ranged	16	23	30	37	44	49	52	
Magic	16	23	30	37	44	49	52	
EstHP	110	310	590	980	1370	1790	2430	
EstMP	90	160	220	290	370	410	430	

STR	30	85	140	195	200	200	200	
DEX	20	85	135	190	200	200	200	
INT	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	
END	0	0	0	0	0	25	75	
CHA	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	
LUK	0	0	25	40	150	200	200	
Fire	80	80	80	80	80	80	80	
Water	100	100	100	100	100	100	100	
Wind	130	130	130	130	130	130	130	
Ice	120	120	120	120	120	120	120	
Earth	60	60	60	60	60	60	60	
Energy	100	100	100	100	100	100	100	
Light	120	120	120	120	120	120	120	
Dark	80	80	80	80	80	80	80	
  • Regenerates approximately «» HP per turn.
  • Its attack can leave you with an Aftershock, which is a re-named Spiritual Seed (Earth; 2 to 3 rounds).
    Level	10	35	60	85	110	125	135	
    MP Cost	8	24	44	68	96	115	129	
    Mix together a moglin, a zard, and some elf magic -- you get The Mogzard! This one is female, and can last longer in battle than the male!

    Originally posted by Balu. Stats and image by BlackAces, Dragoon23 and In Media Res.

  • whackybeanz -> RE: MogZard (12/12/2012 21:34:35)

    Male version

    Earth Element
    Level	10	35	60	85	110	125	135	
    XP	43	105	490	3344	26592	96099	229173	
    Gold	15	34	164	1117	8865	32038	76380	
    Power	1.25	1.25	1.25	1.25	1.25	1.25	1.25	
    Melee	16	23	30	37	44	49	52	
    Ranged	16	23	30	37	44	49	52	
    Magic	16	23	30	37	44	49	52	
    EstHP	70	220	370	580	870	1190	1550	
    EstMP	80	160	220	280	370	410	430	
    STR	30	85	140	195	200	200	200	
    DEX	20	85	135	190	200	200	200	
    INT	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	
    END	0	0	0	0	0	25	75	
    CHA	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	
    LUK	0	0	25	40	150	200	200	
    Fire	80	80	80	80	80	80	80	
    Water	100	100	100	100	100	100	100	
    Wind	130	130	130	130	130	130	130	
    Ice	120	120	120	120	120	120	120	
    Earth	60	60	60	60	60	60	60	
    Energy	100	100	100	100	100	100	100	
    Light	120	120	120	120	120	120	120	
    Dark	80	80	80	80	80	80	80	
  • Regenerates approximately «» HP per turn.
  • Its attack can leave you with an Aftershock, which is a re-named Spiritual Seed (Earth; 2 to 3 rounds).
    Level	10	35	60	85	110	125	135	
    MP Cost	8	24	44	68	96	115	129	
    Mix together a moglin, a zard, and some elf magic -- you get The Mogzard! This one is male, and hits a good bit harder than the female!

    Originally posted by Balu. Stats and image by BlackAces, Dragoon23 and In Media Res.

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