Dragoon23 -> Umazen Bandit (12/13/2012 0:19:36)
Umazen Bandit Light Element Level 15 35
XP 21 49
Gold 19 38
Power 1 1
Melee 35 35
Ranged 25 25
Magic 25 25
EstHP 190 360
EstMP 60 90
STR 5 25
DEX 30 75
INT 25 25
END 5 10
CHA 5 25
LUK 5 15
Fire 80 80
Water 80 80
Wind 100 100
Ice 120 120
Earth 100 100
Energy 120 120
Light 80 80
Dark 120 120
DESCRIPTION One of a society of warrior women who are most feared on the battlefield, Umazen are trained from age 3 to fight. Their mission is to free those enslaved by tyrants. They then take payment for their deeds. It is rumored the Umazen men are slaves themselves. [img]http://media.artix.com/encyc/AQ/AQPedia/Monster%20Revamp%20Pics/Letter%20U/Umazen_Bandit.jpg[/img] Thanks to SCAKK, Somebody, Blader of Doom and Stephen Nix.