J.U.S.T.I.C.E. -> RE: ED changing name (12/14/2012 15:59:48)
It's still bad.. You might think this game is AMAZING.. But trust me, the encrypted code for this game isn't all THAT exciting. Sure, the database is well structured, but not protected. Players can crash the server any time they wish - sure they'd get banned.. But what stops a kid from remaking accounts? Besides. First you have to know how to do it. The game is supported by varium. This is how they make there money. People only buy varium either; to get to their target faster, or because they want the stats and last but not least, because the weapon they want looks "cool" and "intriguing". Therefore because your probably a gamer and not so much on the programming side and money making profit side. You think within the box and not out of it. What makes a good gamer? One who can predict and ensure what he/she does is right in the manner of doing so. For example: I predicted last year at Xmas, CH would be OP, so I switched the night before the release. Think before you post 'Trans'