Balacing classes ideas and suggestions (Full Version)

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G4m3r -> Balacing classes ideas and suggestions (12/14/2012 14:31:05)

I saw very great ideas and very stupid ideas in balacing classes.
So tell me some your suggestions to balance and answer this questions:

Mercenary is:

And do you think that mercenary needs a replace of adrenaline with a auxiliary deadly aim version or the old version of Hybrid armor(you can choose physical or resistance defense +13 passively in battle)?

Bounty Hunter is:

And do you think that bounty hunter need to be underpowered or we need to make some changes?

Tech Mage is:

And do you think that Tech Mage need some changes?

Tactical Mercenary is:

And do you think that tactical mercenary need to get back smokescreen and technician getting ride of re-route,frenzy or mineral armor?

Cyber Hunter is:

And do you think that cyber hunter need to get ride of plasma armor replacing it with technician or making static charge passive?

Do you think Blood Mage is:

And do you think that blood mage need some changes like replacing deadly with assimilation replacing bludgeon with berserker?

Tell your ideas because when Omega Phase begins,maybe will make some changes in classes to: BALANCE

G4m3r -> RE: Balacing classes ideas and suggestions (12/14/2012 14:48:24)

Making a Physical version of Blood Shield would be interesting

goldslayer1 -> RE: Balacing classes ideas and suggestions (12/14/2012 14:50:54)

Mercenary: Underpowered

Suggestion: remove adrenaline, its useless and a waste of skill points.
replace it with a better passive that makes the class balanced and not OP.

Bounty Hunter: Balanced
Str BH is a common build, and its the only viable class specific build. nerfing anything that makes str BH work, would be nerfing the entire class.

Tech Mage: balanced
tech mage does fine, i tested it 3 days ago, its caster build is pretty good and efficient. 5 focus also works great.
and if field medic ran on support, its old flag ship build would be a viable option as well.

Tactical Mercenary: Balanced
no i dont think they should get rid of mineral armor or reroute.
what they should however is replaced bloodshield with technician.
the reason technician was removed was because they had smokescreen and the skills had too good chemistry with smokescreen. so they removed technician. smokescreen however is no longer with TLM. (and the class is doing fine without smokescreen)
also since smokescreen is no longer with TLM, frenzy should be buffed back to how it was before, since it was only nerfed because it had smokescreen.

Cyber Hunter: Below OP, above balanced. (in between basically)
Suggestion: get rid of plasma armor, buff static charge to how it was in early delta. and replace PA with something else that isn't technician. perhaps bloodshield.

Bloodmage: OP for the 5 focus builds
no, berserker shouldn't be on BM. what however does not make sense, is how a max fireball does less damage than a lvl 1 bludgeon.
i think this class needs to be handled under a microscope.
right now i feel that deadly aim is whats making its focus build OP, because it provides a good source of damage (also HP regen)
and nerfing bloodlust isn't an option because then ur nerfing BH aswell.

these however are only concepts.
they would still need heavy testing in order to see how they fare vs other classes.

and the staff have already planned to redo the skill trees for CH, TLM, and BM so that they dont have skills from the old classes.

Mother1 -> RE: Balacing classes ideas and suggestions (12/14/2012 15:00:48)

@ goldslayer

It has been said many times that they won't be removing plasma armor by the mods. Also the static that was there in early delta was OP. I was able to get 20+ energy from a strike that only did 10 damage once since Static back then ignored defense and resist. No build can plan how to stop this, and you had to rely on luck to stop it. It made energy abuse and heal loops easy especially if you used level 1-3 heal. It was better then reroute by a mile before it was weakened to 29% raw damage.

ur going to fail -> RE: Balacing classes ideas and suggestions (12/14/2012 15:07:45)

@gold. Nice ideas. TLM should get technican, and for BM I think they should simply make bludgeon "staff only" (but not for TM).

Im a focus TM and I can beat the most skilled focus BM just fine.

You also forgot about focus BH which isn't as good as focus BM's 98% but it can get ~93%.

If merc were given a slight buff it could spell chaos because that class, if had a few changes in the right favour will be OP. Its complex and I think they should leave merc as is and adjust the other first and see what happens.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Balacing classes ideas and suggestions (12/14/2012 15:08:32)


It has been said many times that they won't be removing plasma armor by the mods. Also the static that was there in early delta was OP. I was able to get 20+ energy from a strike that only did 10 damage once since Static back then ignored defense and resist. No build can plan how to stop this, and you had to rely on luck to stop it. It made energy abuse and heal loops easy especially if you used level 1-3 heal. It was better then reroute by a mile before it was weakened to 29% raw damage.

actually, no. ur wrong, heal loop wasn't so "easy" because they didn't have PA.

Heal loop was EASY after PA, because PA made it easier for them to stay alive longer while CH gained steady from its offense, not its defense like it was for mage. u see, mage was limited by its own health. CH was limited by nothing. as long as it stayed alive, it would keep getting its flow of energy.

but heal loop was never "easy" without plasma armor.

and if it was OP before plasma armor, then why add plasma armor in the first place?

i was getting 94% on 40 wins an hour with CH before plasma armor, and many others have aswell.
the class wasn't weak at all it was just "complicated" to make builds and use because it was new.
but of course though, ED listened to the players who QQed and complained about it being UP, when in fact merc was less powerfull than CH at the time. i didn't see the balance team rushing to buff merc at the time though.

and them not wanting to remove PA is more or so stubbornness.


If merc were given a slight buff it could spell chaos because that class, if had a few changes in the right favour will be OP. Its complex and I think they should leave merc as is and adjust the other first and see what happens.

the thing with merc is, thats its a either a tank build, or strength build.

and they severely nerfed its strength build with diminishing returns, nerfing stuns, and nerfing berserker.

its support build was also nerfed after the removal of field medic (huge loss for them) and the nerfing of artillery (which was nerfed because of TLM, not mercs)

yes if they do buff it, it cant be too big. the thing is, merc is somewhat capable, but when it comes to pound and pound vs the other classes, it just doesn't have enough gas to keep going.

Warmaker04 -> RE: Balacing classes ideas and suggestions (12/14/2012 15:15:16)

Mercenary underpowered? Wrong
Then how you can explain the fact a non var 35 merc can beat a 35 full var bh ?
If u say its underpowered then you cant use it right.

Bounty is balanced?????
Wow. with this strong mass and rage and blood lust. I heard in omega they might remove the blood lust but i`m not so sure. hope they do this.
mass and rage and smoke + bloodlust
excuse me thats a balanced? A bh hits high damage and recovers high hp. Tech mage cant recover hp not even hitting lots of dmg cause mostly of them arent str.

but for merc i` m sure its not underpowered it just seems u dont know how to use it. Watch in youtube . You will see alot of mercs beating BHs 35 and CHs. also more classes. I agree they need little nerf but its not UNDERPOWERED!

Tech mage = balanced
Mercenary = ( not underpowered, its balanced )
Bounty = ( balanced? a crazy joke. Too op. needs a nerf. )
CH = balanced i guess
BM = Idk i guess balanced
tactical.... = ( needs little buff like merc )

Well you guys all went to a class which have OP skill trees, but that dont makes you good players. Every class is good if u use it right.
Even a Non var 35 lvl merc can beat full var 35 lvl bounty without luck.

And i repeated that million times

Adrenaline a waste.... Crazy people. It makes you rage in 3rd turn instead in 5th turn...... alot of helpfull. without it even if you heal you cant recover rage but if you buff u still recover. This is waste ? crazyes...
But if you cant use the class right, then that is other question.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Balacing classes ideas and suggestions (12/14/2012 15:31:29)


Mercenary underpowered? Wrong
Then how you can explain the fact a non var 35 merc can beat a 35 full var bh ?
If u say its underpowered then you cant use it right.

i know how to use merc.
ur talking to a guy who class changed over a hundred times, and class changed 6 times in the past week alone.

u cant just judge an entire class and how it functions vs other class based on 1 single player/build vs another single player/build

the build that non var merc may have had was strictly to counter bh. in which case, its possible.
im not saying u would lose every time, but i bet u get the short end of the stick every time.


Bounty is balanced?????
Wow. with this strong mass and rage and blood lust. I heard in omega they might remove the blood lust but i`m not so sure. hope they do this.
mass and rage and smoke + bloodlust
excuse me thats a balanced? A bh hits high damage and recovers high hp. Tech mage cant recover hp not even hitting lots of dmg cause mostly of them arent str.

tech mage recovers energy, in fact, more energy than BH recovers HP.

secondly, if u cant beat a str bh, then i personally think u aren't that skilled.
str bh has been a VERY common build since early 2010 after the release of frostbite claws, if u haven't figured out how to beat them, then ur a newbie.

secondly, massacre is not OP.
massacre gives no HP back, it does not ignore defense, and it doesn't reduce rage like the other class specials use.
bloodlust is not an excuse for this because its a completely separate skill.

third, bloodlust is fine, u go ahead and nerf bloodlust or take it away, and then see how every other build BH can make stops working.
4th, rage has nothing to do with class, u clearly dont know how rage works if u think its whats making str BH OP.

5th, tech mage is more strategy based, thats not to say u cant find a good str tech mage though.


but for merc i` m sure its not underpowered it just seems u dont know how to use it. Watch in youtube . You will see alot of mercs beating BHs 35 and CHs. also more classes. I agree they need little nerf but its not UNDERPOWERED!

anyone who knows about classes and game balance will tell u merc is UP, and has been UP since gamma.

what u see in youtube are specific battles.
i can make a bad caster mage and only show u the wins i get but not the losses.


Tech mage = balanced
Mercenary = ( not underpowered, its balanced )
Bounty = ( balanced? a crazy joke. Too op. needs a nerf. )
CH = balanced i guess
BM = Idk i guess balanced
tactical.... = ( needs little buff like merc )

so u think tactical merc needs a buff? /facepalm


Well you guys all went to a class which have OP skill trees, but that dont makes you good players. Every class is good if u use it right.
Even a Non var 35 lvl merc can beat full var 35 lvl bounty without luck.
way to be super judgmental. u know me so very well from just a couple of posts.

RageSoul -> RE: Balacing classes ideas and suggestions (12/15/2012 5:38:34)

^Very well said , Gold

But anyway , i find TM better than BH because BL forces me to hit 30+ while Reroute forces them not to hit 30+ for "no heals".

Tech Mage : quite more fun to use now since TECH Caster build was buffed and reworked , and in fact , still can be beaten easily but not too easily . This is my very first class and my fave ( next is Merc ) .

Bounty Hunter : the thing about this class ( along with Cyber Hunter ) is that the new STR skill formula made them quite more OPed , simply because their made to use STR builds that make you spend more points to Massacre only to find out that it counters the majority of the builds . But overall , it's balanced . And if BH's golden rule is "do not Smoke 'till DM appears" , the TM/CH is kinda the opposite : "Don't Malf immediately"

Mercenary : i have been Merc since Gamma ( after a few days of making both my older accounts ) and it was the gear balance that was wrong , not the class itself , and , after the unecessary nerfs and changes , it became UPed , like you might even "Rage" at your gadget! So the answer to the question "Does it need a buff?" is... YES . So . Freakin' . BAD!

Cyber Hunter : Static Charge just became TLM's Frenzy but it's EP-regain instead . As what Goldslayer said , it wasn't UPed because it was weak , but because it was a bit messy and hard to understand . Plus , it required so many Skill Points to allocate to skills , yet not UPed because Technician + Bot + EMP = ZOMGNONONONONO!!!!! As of now , i can't really say it's a fun class but it's definitely not OP nor UPed .

Tactical Mercenary : Smoke Screen , not the porblem . HA , also not the problem , but it was actually Technician + Atom Smasher + Reroute ! Reroute - for EP giving , Atom - for EP draining , Technician - for uber-tanking , and , hey , what happened to mah build?! Oh right , he "Atom Looped" me! But the present one , is , well , kinda living up to it's name : tactical.

Blood Mage : when i first saw it's skill tree , i was like " i wanna try it 'coz it looks uber-strong" . But now , with E-Shield replacing Technician , Bludgeon in the place of 'Zerk , i think it became , i dunno , slightly OPed ( especially the 4 - 5 Focus ones ) because of too much flexibility .

Warmaker04 -> RE: Balacing classes ideas and suggestions (12/15/2012 13:05:17)

Thats what i tried to said, the merc is good but nobody paid attention to read my post fully. and Ofcourse all Mass is 140% more damage + recovers hp from the blood lust + the rage does from the bloodlust.
If you are bounty hunter, you sure wont support, cause its word for ur class.
Sorry mister Gold, you dont know about the bh.

and thats not a true there are youtubes with loses and wins. check Illu merc builds, and check some of them if he add loses and not on youtube lol. there are alot videos with wins and losses. to lazy to check eeh?

Yeah with aegis i agree. Cause the merc really needs buff.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Balacing classes ideas and suggestions (12/15/2012 17:25:08)


Thats what i tried to said, the merc is good but nobody paid attention to read my post fully. and Ofcourse all Mass is 140% more damage + recovers hp from the blood lust + the rage does from the bloodlust.
If you are bounty hunter, you sure wont support, cause its word for ur class.
Sorry mister Gold, you dont know about the bh.

war maker, ur saying BH is OP because of a system that works for every class.
u obviously dont comprehend balance.

secondly, u say even non var merc can beat a full var str bh, so i take it that str BH isn't as OP as u say it is.
its not that hard to beat them.


Yeah with aegis i agree. Cause the merc really needs buff.

im saying it needs a buff because its UP, and u disagree...
he says the same thing and u agree?

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