The Way of the Void (Full Version)

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Mondez -> The Way of the Void (12/15/2012 14:43:12)

[OS] The Way of the Void Discussion Thread

The Void Prince's Entrance

Mini Chapter 1: 12/15/2012

Silence in the dark forest filled the air which was soon interrupted by an explosion that could be heard for miles. In the source of the explosion, a young man with bright silver hair with his face covered by a large brimming hat. He wore a long silver coat with a strange insignia that was in a shape of a large cross with spades at the ends and spiked vines were encircling around it. The young man wielded a fearsome looking scythe, the blade was as tall as the young man and the same cross design decorated the sides of the blade. In darkness a fiend with dark crimson armor watched the young man as he surveyed his surrounding. The young man noticed the fiends presence and crooked a smile at its direction and he turned his back on it. The fiend lunged with vicious blades attached to its arms raised to strike the man with the intent to kill.

"An admirable attempt, but you were too obvious and i could clearly sense your killing intent," said a voice, and in the fiend's vision the young man vanished. For a second the fiend was surprised, but in the next moment, it felt pressure on one of its bladed arms and everything in the fiend's sight became upside down. Staring at the sky, the fiend was stunned of what just happened that seemed like a fraction of a second. The young man entered its vision and the fiend clearly saw his eyes, the eyes were light silver, brimming with the very light of light that it solely despised. The young man crouched, bringing his face closer to the fiend and said in a soft voice that sounded like bells that chimed in the wind of the human villages.

"You are not human, but I have seen things in this world that interest me. Would you care to tell me what an Oversoul is?" The fiend tried to raise its arms in another attempt to strike the young man, but it could not. In a raspy voice the fiend replied, "Why should I answer to a filth like you? Let me free so that I may flay your skin and meat from your bones!" The young man sighed and his eyes narrowed as his hand was placed upon the fiend's head. The fiend stared at the young man wondering why a filthy human would dare lay his hand upon it. It started an attempt to escape its invisible bindings, but to no avail was it able to budge any of its limbs.

The young man took his hand off the fiend and said, "Thank you, my dear friend for I have obtained the information I seek and I have need to borrow your body for awhile." The fiend was first confused, but then stared in shock as the young man's form started to dissolve into a ball of purple flame. The fiend realized the human's words and started to scream, hoping for its fellow allies to come and help him, but he realized he came hunting... alone. The last thing it remembered was a voice like bells whispering throughout his being and feeling of warmth as the flame melted into its body, and soon its conscience was enveloped in darkness.

Mondez -> RE: The Way of the Void (12/16/2012 19:11:03)

[OS] The Way of the Void Discussion Thread

The Void Prince's Entrance

Mini Chapter 1: 12/16/2012

The night soon became day and the body of the fiend awakened to the sound of footsteps that crunched the leaves of the forest. Through the eyes of the fiend, it was the young man who possessed the body the very night of his arrival. "This body is heavy," the young man said to himself in the fiend's raspy voice. He quickly trudged off in the forest to a nearby waterfall and examined the body that he possessed. The fiend was covered in a dark crimson armor with blades protruding from the triceps of its arms. The fiend's face was covered by a heavy helm and instead of the yellow eyes that glowed with seething flame, it was replaced by the young man's silver eyes. As he stopped examining his possessed body, he soon realized he was not alone and quickly turned to find an arrow arched straight at him.

A woman stood before him with brown amber eyes and wore an outfit similar to the original world's Robin Hood except that she wore no tights. The clothing was lengthened to as it would be a dress, but with slits on the sides for mobility. She was arching a birch wood bow in a ready to fire position that aimed for the possessed fiend's head. "It seems I caught something pretty nice today. Turn out your pockets so I can place gold in them," said the woman. An abrupt silence stilled the air and it took a second for the young man to register the words that were said.

The woman wants to put gold in my pocket? thought the young man. The woman furrowed her eyebrows and asked. "Well are you gonna turn out your pockets or not? We can do this the easy way or we can do this the hard way."

"You say some amusing things, woman. Who are you to tell me what to do, a fiend of Nulgath?" replied the raspy voice of the possessed fiend.

"Heh, the hard way it is," chuckled the young woman and she fired the arrow straight at the fiend. The fiend jumped to the side, but a rope that lay waiting caught its ankle and dangled the possessed soul in the air. The young woman laughed and approached the possessed fiend.

"Interesting tactic, woman. Let me ask your name so I can repay you for this humiliation," said the young man.

"My name is Robina. Nice to meet you, fiend of Nulgath," replied the woman and with that she took out a pouch full of gold. Robina stuffed the young man's possessed fiend full of gold and she cut the rope that strung him. As the young man struggled to get up, Robina ran off into the darkness of the woods.

"Why did she stuff my pocket with gold? I guess even fiends have stuff to buy," said the young man checking the gold that was given to him. The young man shrugged the fiend's shoulders and trudged off, hoping to find more information on the so called Oversoul.

Mondez -> RE: The Way of the Void (12/17/2012 13:29:40)

[OS] The Way of the Void Discussion Thread

The Void Prince's Exploration

Mini Chapter 2: 12/17/2012

The young man wandered throughout the forest and was astounded by the many species of creatures that he encountered. These creatures were normally found in fantasy books that he had read in the original world, but there were others that he found strange yet amusing. One creature he noted was something that was like a small goblin, but had a strange fetish for empty boxes. Another creature that amused him was something called a Frogzard, which was a lizard that hopped on two hind legs. Even though he admired the world and its creatures, he still didn't find the information of the unknown which was called Oversoul.

This body is becoming more sluggish the more I travel. I need to lighten up the load, thought the young man and proceeded to remove himself from the fiend's form. To his surprise he didn't remove himself from the possessed body, but it changed back to the young man's original body. He then proceeded to change back into the possessed form and again the form melded back to crimson fiend's body.

This is interesting. thought the young man. If I am able to originate back to my form then I am able to transform my soul into the body that I possessed with the Oversoul.
With this information the young man understood a fraction of what the Oversoul was able to accomplish and with that he changed back to his original form.

As he again continued to travel to find more information, he stumbled across a human that wore a leather skin type of clothing chasing a Frogzard with a wooden club.

If I take what I just learned about this Oversoul form then I should be able to possess a limitless amount of forms to my choosing. thought the young man. He then melded his form to the possessed fiend and lashed out from the wooded area to confront the human. The human stopped in his tracks in surprise and quickly composed himself to face his attacker.

"Don't judge me! I may not look like it, but my speed makes up for my size!" yelled the human and then added. "Though my girlfriend disagrees!"

With that the silence was again stilling the air and the young man was taken aback by the words that were spurted out by the human.

"No matter. I will make this painless as possible," said the young man in the fiend's raspy voice and charged at the human. The human rushed at the fiend and swung his club at its head, but the fiend parried the attack and with a free arm slashed its opponent down through the chest, cutting into the bone. The human coughed out an intense amount of blood and collapsed onto the forest floor.

"I can't die here... not like this," said the human in a weak voice as reached for his club. The fiend placed its foot on top of the human's hand and crouched down to whisper. "Do not worry yourself for this will only take a second."

With that the fiend slowly faded away into a small warm blue fire and submerged itself right into the human's body, engulfing his conscience into the eternal darkness.

Mondez -> RE: The Way of the Void (12/19/2012 17:17:18)

[OS] The Way of the Void Discussion Thread

The Void Prince's Exploration

Mini Chapter 2: 12/19/2012

Two souls were in the possession of the young man as he was determined to find information regarding the Oversoul that existed in this world.

With these forms that I have obtained, I have gained their knowledge in combat as well as the use of their abilities. In order to find out more information about this Oversoul I must travel to a town around these parts and gather any information that would help satisfy my curiosity, thought the young man. On that thought he stumbled across a slit path and their stood a sign that read: Battleon and Falconreach.

That was convenient, thought the young man. The problem now is to pick the path that would lead me to some answers.

The the sounds of an explosion came in the direction of the Battleon path and screams of people echoed in the air. Roars of dragons soon came after and they were soaring the air straight in the direction of Battleon.

I guess I'll go in that direction then since the sounds of battle is music to my ears, happily thought the young man and he took the path to Battleon. Once he arrived there, humans in armor were fighting legions of undead warriors. "BATTLE ON!" cried a knight as he slashed a skeleton wielding a vicious looking axe. Another blast echoed the air and the young man saw something that made him smile with anticipation that there was something that would quench his boredom. This knight was no ordinary human for he wore armor that oozed the very color of blood, he wielded a blade its hilt was made of bone and the blade was crimson red like the armor.

"Hahahaha! These are the defenders of Battleon? They are of no threat to me," laughed the knight as he swung his blade and dark energy spewed out, striking the soldiers down in droves. The young man went stood before the knight with his scythe ready to strike the new foe.

"Who are you? Speak or I will strike you down with DOOOOOOM!!!" screamed the knight smashing his sword on the ground.

"My name? I am Montague Dezgardo and I have come to challenge one worthy such as yourself in a match." said the young man. The knight laughe and the ground shook violently. "You challenge me? Do you know who I am? I am the doom knight, Sepulchure! If you wish to challenge me then prepare yourself for you are outmatched."

"We shall see," said the young man. Sepulchure and Mon Dez stared at each other with the intent to kill then Sepulchure raised his blade and striked down causing dark energy to drive straight at its opponent. Mon Dez side stepped, dodging the dark energy and disappeared from the Doom Knight's sight. Sepulchure sensed his attacker behind him and swung around deflecting his attacker's scythe with fury. Mon Dez swung again and a ripple of unknown energy flew straight at Sepulchure who fired dark energy causing an explosion that ripped a hole in the ground.

With no rest, Sepulchure fired another round of dark energy at Mon Dez who conjured up a shield negating the energy. Sepulchure roared and charged at Mon Dez who smiled. With a snap of his fingers, Sepulchure was surrounded by a sea twinkling lights which caused a multitude of explosion around the Doom Knight.

"You were powerful Sepulchure, but to no end were you a threat against me," stated Mon Dez. "Now I guess I'll possess your body and increase my power."

As he said that, Sepulchure's body slowly turned grey and was crumbling before the young man. One by one the legion of undead were crumbling apart like their deceased master.

"Tch, I guess it's back to the drawing board," echoed a voice emitted through the chaos. "I guess I didn't find enough proper souls to recreate Sepulchure. I guess more planning must be done. Find yourselves lucky people of Battleon for your reckoning still has yet to come."

Mon Dez laughed at the message that was said. "Interesting!!! This is a spectacular event! I know I must find more information, but this figure has interested me because a mere puppet was close to par to my level. I guess I'll stay here awhile to see what transpires next."

Mondez -> RE: The Way of the Void (12/21/2012 9:50:53)

[OS] The Way of the Void Discussion Thread

Finding a Way

Mini Chapter 3: 12/21/2012

Such a shame that it was a splendid dream, but overall it would have been interesting, thought Mon Dez as he took a sip of eggnog that he ordered from the Yulgar Inn. The young man traveled to Battleon, but there were no armies of skeletons, a doom knight, or a mysterious voice. The delusions of the young man were there to keep him from boredom as was trying to find information about the Oversoul. He talked to some known figures in Battleon, but they had no idea about the Oversoul.

Warlic, a mage that wore a blue mystic robe said that he would ask some of his acquaintances and search up some old tomes about the Oversoul. Aria, the pet shop owner was no use and Yulgar was no exception. Mon Dez yet again ran into Robina who stuffed gold in his pockets days ago owned a small shop of ranged weapons, had no idea as well.

Mon Dez tried to gain access to the guardian tower, but was turned away because he was not a guardian himself.
If I were to gain access to this tower, my guess is to possess a guardian and take his form, thought Mon Dez. The young man waited until nightfall for some of the Guardians would patrol certain areas of the forests around Battleon against the monsters of the night.

The young man took form of the crimson fiend that he found out to be called, Blood Void. Using the fiend's advantage over the night, he searched for a guardian that would be alone and far away from his fellow allies. He found a lone guardian (a rookie by the looks of it) away from his friends and he looked like he was trying to practice his sword swings. In the Blood Fiend form he jumped from the shadows to strike the rookie, but the rookie sensed the attack and parried it with his guardian blade.

"Halt, fiend!" cried out the rookie with confidence, "You are not welcome here! Leave or I will subdue you in the name of Battleon!"

"Hahahaha!!! You are nothing more than scraps of trash for even my lord Nulgath would not feed you to his hellhounds." laughed the Blood Void form.

The young knight was enraged by the insult and rushed at the fiend. The fiend blocked his opponents attack and used a free arm to strike, but the guardian dodged the strike and slashed at his attacker's torso. The fiend laughed as the blade bounced of his armor and slashed at the guardian again. The guardian blocked many of the fiend's attacks, but was slowly being overwhelmed, but as the guardian got ready to block another blow from his attacker, he felt pain at the side of his rib. A club struck the guardian instead of a blade and was shocked to see a Nomad instead of a fiend.

"What madness... is this?!" cried out the rookie as he slumped to the ground. The Nomad before him smiled and his form was distorting to the form of the Blood Fiend.

"I seek your body, young guardian," chuckled the Blood Fiend, "You will grant me an entrance into the Guardian tower."

"" said the guardian weakly as his conscience faded away by the intense pain at his side.

As the young man possessed the body of the guardian, a beautiful woman with pale skin wearing a blood red dress was watching the scene unfold with her bright red eyes and chuckled as the young guardian's body rose up like as if nothing happened to him.

"Such an amusing scene. I do hope I can meet this creature soon if he travels to Darkovia," said the woman as she vanished into the dark depths of the night.

Mondez -> RE: The Way of the Void (12/21/2012 16:15:56)

[OS] The Way of the Void Discussion Thread

Finding a Way

Mini Chapter 3: 12/21/2012

"Halt! State your name and status," asked a guardian at the gate as the rookie approached. The rookie smiled and said, "C'mon Wedge, we know each other why bother asking?"

"You know the formalities, Richard," sighed Wedge, "Come on." The guardian stepped to the side and motioned to the rookie to go inside. Richard walked through the corridors of the Guardian castle greeting every guardian that passed by. Unknowing to them, a different soul inhabited Richard's body and knew how to react as well as impersonating his character. As soon as the imposter reached the library, he placed his hand on the door and a small resonate energy pulsated the door checking for any signs of life that was beyond the room.

As he was sure that there was no life beyond the door, the imposter went inside and reverted back to his original form. Mon Dez searched the library of the guardian tower and was shocked to find that there were no records on the Oversoul.

"This shouldn't be possible," said Mon Dez. "Why are there no records, but yet the Blood Voids in this area know about it. I guess I am searching the wrong ca-" The door of the library blasted open and guardians came pouring in.

"Hurry find the imposter! We cannot let him escape!" yelled a guardian. Mon Dez was surprised that they found him out so easily, but it was expected since he realized that he didn't check his surroundings when he possessed the rookie's body. As he morphed into the rookie's body, he was face to face with the blue mage that he encountered earlier in the day.

"I guess I was right that there was something wrong when I sensed a different presence here. Who are you and what is your purpose in this library?" questioned Warlic raising his staff at the imposter.

"I have no obligation to answer your question and I don't have the time," answered the false rookie. The imposter raised his sword and a roar from a distance was heard. Warlic stared at him in surprise and then the ground started to rumble.

"Impossible! Only a guardian could summon the power of a Guardian Dragon!" shouted Warlic. The rookie smiled and stated, "I'll tell you a secret. Whatever I am, I have the power to use any ability that was with the body especially the guardian's given right to summon the dragon."

The wall behind Warlic exploded, showering rock at the blue mage. The imposter laughed ran towards the guardian and behind him were other guardians that followed the destruction. Warlic levitated the rocks that pinned him down, but the imposter struck them down with ease. Then a sight was seen, the imposter's form was distorting to the form of the Blood Void. Finally the dragon realized that it was tricked and roared in fury, but it was silenced when the Blood Void cut down into the dragon's skull. Warlic and the other guardian's watched in horror as the fiend melded into the dragon.

The dragon's eyes turned from a fiery yellow to a bright silver as Mon Dez fully possessed its body and with that it swiped at its former allies with its tail and took off into the distance.

It doesn't matter anymore because this is taking way to long than expected. I better use the gate and summon "them" to have a better chance to find more information, thought Mon Dez as he flew off into the rising sun.

Mondez -> RE: The Way of the Void (12/25/2012 13:28:05)

[OS] The Way of the Void Discussion Thread

The Mysterious Forest

Mini Chapter 4: 12/25/2012

Later in the dark depths of an unknown forest. The dragon swooped down and its formed dissolved to the possessor's original form. Mon Dez checked his surroundings for any signs of the area that he landed himself in. Howling echoed through the forest and the skittering in the grass filled the air.

"What a predicament that I have found myself in," said Mon Dez as the dark shadows of the forest soon took form of wolf like creatures that wore iron armor on their chests. They wielded gold swords that gleamed in the moonlight. Their leader was far bigger than the rest and he didn't need to wield a sword for his very presence oozed out power that seemed to keep the wolves in line. The leader jumped on its powerful hind legs and landed in front of Mon Dez with a scowl upon its face.

"Who are you? Speak mortal or I shall tear your throat out," growled the Alpha. Mon Dez bowed to the Alpha which took it by surprise.

"All I am is a simple man, nothing more and nothing less. All I seek is a path out of this forest," replied Mon Dez curtly with a smile on his face.

The Alpha sniffed Mon Dez and with a grunt and a nod of its hairy head, the wolves left the two alone. The beast reared its head and howled in the wind then its ears perked up as if it sensed something nearby.

"Are you with anyone?" asked the Alpha. Mon Dez shook his head in decline. The Alpha growled and it got on all fours with its hairs raising on its back. "I smell the stench of death nearby."

Mon Dez raised his scythe and surveyed the area of its temperature. One thing about Mon Dez is that he cannot physically see objects, but he is able to distinguish them with temperature, movement, and sound. He was able to sense a person nearby, but its heart wasn't beating and very much so its killing intent was very clear.

As the shape started to move toward their position, it stopped as if something was obstructing it and then it retreated. Mon Dez sensed a very powerful presence in the forest that was far stronger than the Alpha and it was very close.

Mondez -> RE: The Way of the Void (1/27/2013 15:52:13)

[OS] The Way of the Void Discussion Thread

The Mysterious Forest

Mini Chapter 4: 12/25/2012

A beautiful pale woman emerged from the dark and shrouded woods as if she was expecting Mon Dez's arrival. The Alpha Wolf growled and bared his teeth at the woman as if her presence was a threat to its existence.

Mon Dez took a step forward and directed a question at the woman, "Who are you?"

The woman smiled and answered, "I am Safaria and I am the queen of the night."

"You are no queen, witch! Leave here or I shall tear your throat out with my teeth!" snarled the Alpha. The woman laughed, "You are no threat to me pup. Why don't you turn tail and retreat back to the hole that you crawled out of." The Alpha snarled and lunged at Safaria with full intent to kill, but she swatted the wolf away as if it was just an annoying fly. The Alpha sailed into a tree and smashed into it, debris and dirt flew in the air.

"Do you wish to try again? I can play with you all day, pup." smiled Safaria. Mon Dez walked up to the snarling Alpha and grabbed its furry head.

"W-what are you doing?!" sputtered the Alpha in surprise.

"Nothing really, but that brute strength of yours isn't really suited for you," said Mon Dez calmly. A sickening crunch was heard through the forest and howling of the wolves echoed in the air. Mon Dez turned to the woman with the limp body of the deceased Alpha in his right hand. "Now it's my turn."

Safaria's eyes widened at what happened next. Mon Dez lunged at her and he transformed into the Alpha at mid-lunge with a full form fury. Safaria quickly avoided the wolfish lunge and a barrage of bats hit the possessed Alpha. The wolf striked at her with a full force of its claws, but was easily stopped by Safaria's right hand and was thrown straight into the air.

The Alpha hit the ground hard and Safaria laughed at her opponent. "You cannot best me with such weak attacks. Neither the wolves, dragons, nor demons can best me."

"How about all of them at once!" snarled the Alpha.

The wolf's body violently shook as its arms grotesquely grew the blades of the Blood Fiend, its back sprouted wings from the Guardian Dragon, and it's face was so monstrous that there was no describing it. The strange fusion of creatures once more striked at Safaria. The pale woman wasn't fast enough to block the blow and it was far stronger than she anticipated.

What is this form? For some reason it bears an uncanny resemblance to Nightbane's form... no it was something that would rival the 13 Lords of Chaos.

How is it possible? That this form that only has a few creatures rival my power, thought Safaria as she threw a barrage of bats at the deformed Alpha. The creature laugh and disappeared from the woman's view. Safaria quickly turned to find the creature and its broken laughter echoed through the forest.

"Mistress!" cried a voice through the dark clearing. Other pale yet beautiful humans emerged from the darkness that wore dark red armor, most of them were male and there were only two females in the group.

Safaria raised her hand as if to stop them. "Come any closer my children and you will be killed by the creature that I am fighting. Stay on your guard."

"I don't wish to fight any longer and I can give you the answers that you seek," said Safaria.

"Why didn't you say that sooner?" said Mon Dez emerging from the dark forest in his original form. The other pale humans drew their swords, but Safaria raised her hand again and they obeyed the signal that she gave.

Safaria walked to her children and said, "Follow me to my castle and there will be the answers you seek, mysterious creature."

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