Omega Suggestions (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [EpicDuel] >> EpicDuel Suggestions


tpain -> Omega Suggestions (12/15/2012 16:38:12)

I have a some pretty cool ideas for Omega!!! can you guys give me your opinions?

The New Ideas are for new skills for the original three classes, and a new class or so...

Tech Mage: Plasma Assimilation

Bounty Hunter: Poisonous Smoke Screen

Mercenary: Deadly Artillery

And the New Classes are as follows which are special ops that have to be paid for in varium to become one of them!!!

Class #1: ED SEALs

Class #2: ED Green Berets

Class #3 ED Army Rangers

Class #4: ED AF Operatives

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