Blood Mage Multi (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [EpicDuel] >> EpicDuel Suggestions


Hun Kingq -> Blood Mage Multi (12/15/2012 20:30:52)

Put your suggestion here for a Blood Mage Multi:

It has to be new and unique:

King Helios -> RE: Blood Mage Multi (12/16/2012 11:39:19)

How about Plasma Rain?

Remorse -> RE: Blood Mage Multi (12/16/2012 11:41:47)

Either all the "evolved" classes get a new multi or none of them do.

Thats my opinion.

ninja.fighter -> RE: Blood Mage Multi (12/16/2012 13:37:58)

well why a new multi maybe make plasma rain a little more effective?

King Helios -> RE: Blood Mage Multi (12/16/2012 15:41:01)

Blood Mages don't need a new multi, my point above was.

Anyway, why do they have it on row 2? All other multis are on row 3.

Blaze The Aion Ender -> RE: Blood Mage Multi (12/16/2012 16:43:52)

Blood Rain
A physical, red plasma rain

Vegafire -> RE: Blood Mage Multi (12/16/2012 17:06:34)

Not supported, the plasma rain can be cast with any weapon as can all multi's also most bloodmage attacks are physical so the current Plasma rain gives that difference in attack if needed, Just my oppinion though, we dont need overpowered any more than we currently are, i can beat most 35's without even using my skill tree with my build. my skill tree would allow my to intimidate which is currently -44 str and bludge for +40% aswell as +10 due to deadly aim and my maxed bloodlust

Mecha Mario -> RE: Blood Mage Multi (12/16/2012 22:28:09)

Locking this up. If players have their own suggestion regarding Blood Mage Multi, they can make their own thread instead like you did here. Players making their own suggestion thread, and getting feedback from other players is part of the reason why ED Suggestions got a revamp awhile back.

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