From Battle Tokens to Credits (Full Version)

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Tri Phoenix -> From Battle Tokens to Credits (12/17/2012 7:52:53)

Hello i was thinking that we could make battle tokens into credits(ONLY CREDITS)
like for 1 Battle Token = 100 Credits it will be fair

=ED= Frequently Suggested Ideas *READ BEFORE POSTING*

As its in the FSI thread, locking this up. ~Mecha

Vegafire -> RE: From Battle Tokens to Credits (12/17/2012 8:08:29)

32 credits would be fair, the current reward for winning the battle, you get a battle token per battle so your doubling your credit win and also some missions give 100-250 tokens, thats 8000 credits from these 250 token missions essentially.

Maybe a option to only do it in bulk

100 - 2,000 credits
200 - 4,500 credits
300 - 7,000 credits
400 - 10,000 credits
500 - 12,500 credits
1000 - 30,000 credits

Would Support if implemented like this, 100 credits per token is to much thats 25,000 from the 250 token missions...

Mysterion. -> RE: From Battle Tokens to Credits (12/17/2012 8:32:40)

Not supported,
Battle tokens are only meant for Rating Points and is not supposed to effect gameplay.
Credits does effect gameplay since you can enchance stuff and buy other weps.

This is an unnecassy feature in my opinion.

TNC -> RE: From Battle Tokens to Credits (12/18/2012 5:13:53)

this could of been a good idea if the value of credits recieved were lower but not supported since quests already exists which can give 250-500 tokens it took me 40-60mins to get 2k tokens from quests

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: From Battle Tokens to Credits (12/18/2012 5:56:30)

not supported, when you win battles you get the credit and the battle tokens along with it, so basically you are earning 64 credits per 1v1 win, and maybe it will encourage people using op builds to win every battle.

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