Resk -> RE: =OS= Card Mechanics/Combos Discussion (4/22/2015 14:52:32)
Well, Wyvern & Aque are both similar, in that they use waters decent healing spell of spring, (which is 1.6:1, compared to normal heals 1.333:1, and while it is worse than greater heal's 2:1, they are in a deck that can discard for mana) in order to fire off attacks that use hp, and thus relate back to being more efficient, even if you want to heal the damage back, while building shield (1.666/1). Though yes, in general water isn't it great, though two of its characters are fairly high tier, (though wyvern more-so than aque), even if their 4 damage card was physical rather than magic, so could be combo'd, would improve it to catch up to the other elements,,, -Resk