Exploding Penguin -> Effectiveness of Passives (12/19/2012 0:37:50)
Right now I'm doing a little project to try and statistically find out which classes are stronger and which ones are weaker. While skill trees will change in Omega, I figured most passives would stay the same. Basically, I'm just looking for other player input on which passives are best and worst in terms of ranking. I've conveniently categorized all passives into different categories, so you only have to compare defensive passives to other defensive passives, etc... Here's my look on which passives are strongest (#1 is the best, later numbers are not descending in effectiveness): DEFENSIVE PASSIVES: 1. Blood Lust 2. Hybrid Armor 3. Mineral/Plasma Armor 4. Shadow Arts OFFENSIVE PASSIVES: 1. Deadly Aim 2. Reroute 3. Adrenaline My reasoning: -Blood lust is first because overall it equally pars to the damage overall reduced by passive armors, BUT it also stops your opponent from gaining more rage (which happens with passive armors, because they tank you) as well as enable the user to gain more rage themselves from receiving more damage -Hybrid armor is better than Mineral/Plasma because it spreads out the damage over both defense types, as well as just give +11 total instead of +10. While the dex requirement is a burden because merc has no skills which increase with dex, hybrid armor does not suffer a major disadvantage which plasma/mineral does. The main disadvantage is that a max mineral/plasma armor can be totally ignored by a rage, causing a surprising amount of massive damage which can easily hurt CH and TLM. -Deadly aim is better than reroute because on the first turn if you don't go first, reroute can make the user suffer devastating consequences. This includes being a TM who takes 30 damage from a TLM focus build's bot on the first turn, which can remove almost 10 potential energy which the TM could have received from reroute. Deadly aim is also better because unlike blocks, deflects can only have damage. Being in knowledge that a gun recovers every 2 turns can put pressure on opponents, knowing that a rage gun with deadly aim can kill them at 40-ish HP, especially if the gun penetrates through mineral/plasma armor. I'd really appreciate anyone's ideas on which passives are better or not, it'd definitely help in my research. If you're going to say anything, please back it up with reasoning! I won't be able to take anything seriously without some logical reasoning behind it.