Golden Yeti Tournament? (Full Version)

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Midnightsoul -> Golden Yeti Tournament? (12/21/2012 0:09:21)

Guys, we need something to clear it up. I don't understand what this Golden Yeti is all about...

goldslayer1 -> RE: Golden Yeti Tournament? (12/21/2012 0:11:09)

there will be a 30 day tournament where the top 100 players with the golden ticket will receive the golden yeti.

i assume this tournament will be based on wins (or influence).

Midnightsoul -> RE: Golden Yeti Tournament? (12/21/2012 0:14:17)

aw...I really want the Golden Yeti...but I really can't go on ED because it's blocked for me on weekdays. Been a devoted ED player...but I can't do EVERYTHING. Is there like some alternative option such as who lives the longest in the tournament? T_T

goldslayer1 -> RE: Golden Yeti Tournament? (12/21/2012 0:15:46)

lives the longest?
if its based on wins, it will be top 100 with most wins.

Rayman -> RE: Golden Yeti Tournament? (12/21/2012 0:18:20)

What If the Tournament Feature is ready for Omega?

I think Ik how this Golden yeti tournament will work:
IT will start with the new tournament feature
They will do 100 tournaments
Each winner of each tournament will get the Golden yeti

theholyfighter -> RE: Golden Yeti Tournament? (12/21/2012 0:18:24)

^ If it's based on wins, then I bet at least 90% of them are varium players.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Golden Yeti Tournament? (12/21/2012 0:22:42)


^ If it's based on wins, then I bet at least 90% of them are varium players.

thats probably because anyone who will invest lots of time into the game may aswell invest some money for varium.

but there will be some non vars if they buy the package.

Mother1 -> RE: Golden Yeti Tournament? (12/21/2012 0:38:05)

Ok they didn't even give us info about this, we have no clue what is going on with this or even how to win this thing. Wouldn't be wise for them to give us the details instead of just assuming it is X when it could be Y?

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Golden Yeti Tournament? (12/21/2012 0:49:37)


^ If it's based on wins, then I bet at least 90% of them are varium players.

lol, duh, of course it is for varium players only since you need the golden ticket in the 10k package to participate, another reason for us to buy varium but also not affecting gameplay at the same time.

kaiseryeux21 -> RE: Golden Yeti Tournament? (12/21/2012 1:07:40)

@mother, perhaps the dev's were asleep. Anyway, they already announced that the released was delayed and they apologize. So what do we expect?? lols.

xxmirxx -> RE: Golden Yeti Tournament? (12/21/2012 1:20:33)

i got say this is annoying they won't tell us details about contest how does it work.

kaiseryeux21 -> RE: Golden Yeti Tournament? (12/21/2012 1:29:32)

^ my understanding about this tournament is dat Titan never really had any details to talk about this since they only added this feature to cover up for the delay of omega release. seems harsh but this is true.

ReinXI -> RE: Golden Yeti Tournament? (12/21/2012 1:32:43)

@ above
Seriously? you "seriously" don't get how it will work?
Listen carefully now Entrance fee ~ golden ticket
there will be a 1 month contest game mode to be announced obviously as nobody knows if it's 1v1, 2v2, jugg, or some kind of mix & match
at the end of the 1 month the top 100 players will win a golden yeti ~

it's honestly not that hard to explain or am I missing something ?

the only problem I can see is if the new system has that unfortunate Italian copy pasta build most of the people
will be using that build ( this might not happen ) but in all honesty you should always expect the worst.
and if there is a build like that then it will completely ruin the entire tournament so to speak. So hopefully
they know what there doing ( can also see a tournament as an excellent training ground to test out the
new balance changes fully so clever devs! if that's what the true meaning behind it is aside from an awesome
golden yeti )

kaiseryeux21 -> RE: Golden Yeti Tournament? (12/21/2012 1:44:17)

^ u said it bro. nobody knows if its 1v1, 2vs, or jugg.

Scyze -> RE: Golden Yeti Tournament? (12/21/2012 5:55:49)

I don't like this tournament.
People who regularly play EpicDuel will have the greater chance of winning. If you go to school, that's another setback. People over 18 and are free all day will be the most common type of people who win this. I stand no chance of winning this since I cannot access EpicDuel during week-days.

My guess of the tournament is that it could be "experience" gained for the Yeti.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Golden Yeti Tournament? (12/21/2012 11:07:40)

I don't like how it's so long. It's basically just whoever plays the longest wins...
IMO I really want it to be something based off of win ratios (%) instead of amounts of wins (which it's probably going to be). Tier elimination tourneys would also be neat but would be devils to organize. If it is going to be based off of win percentage, then there's gonna need to be a minimum of around 1k wins?

STRUT MY MUTT -> RE: Golden Yeti Tournament? (12/21/2012 11:32:42)

From Design Notes

Oh, yes, I suppose I forgot to mention a 30-day competition in which the top 100 participants will receive an Ultra-Rare Golden Yeti. There will be an ongoing leaderboard showing the current rankings for the duration of the event. This Yeti WILL NOT be available any other way, and you can only win it if you have a Golden Yeti Ticket. If successful, we can evolve this competition into a full-blown tournament feature going forward into Omega.

More likely it will be based on influence rather than # wins, or else 1v1 players will have too much advantage over 2v2 players and jugg.

Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: Golden Yeti Tournament? (12/21/2012 11:42:55)

They should make it based on wins of a special NPC(s).

But then without counting it into the battle record and dont earn exp and bt's only credits.

Rayman -> RE: Golden Yeti Tournament? (12/21/2012 13:35:57)


They should make it based on wins of a special NPC(s).

Yeah George Lowe

J.U.S.T.I.C.E. -> RE: Golden Yeti Tournament? (12/21/2012 13:42:00)

or Aldirayhs pet?

Rayman -> RE: Golden Yeti Tournament? (12/21/2012 14:19:15)

Pet is Armor hazard and is 2v1 boss npc and I don't think that will work well for the tourney.

Stabilis -> RE: Golden Yeti Tournament? (12/21/2012 14:49:10)

I would rather we wait for the tournament feature than use a form of makeshift tournament used today.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Golden Yeti Tournament? (12/21/2012 14:59:59)

@depressed void: I agree. A competition like a daily LB for wins/influence/whatever is DEFINITELY not a way to scale someone's skill. Tournaments are supposed to measure one's skill, and I find that not so if it's just whoever gets the most wins or something over such a long period of time as 30 days. What I'd really want to see is multi-round tournaments (You fight everyone in your group 1 time and whoever has the most wins advances) or tier-elimination (You lose 1 or two times, and you're eliminated).

J.U.S.T.I.C.E. -> RE: Golden Yeti Tournament? (12/21/2012 15:11:46)

^^ Supported Exploding

The Astral Fury -> RE: Golden Yeti Tournament? (12/21/2012 15:13:17)

I'd rather not a tournament how about just give the players who have the ticket the golden yeti simple as that. Do we really need a tournament? I'd rather have the yeti, we already have been battling none stop the past month and you want us to do it even more there hasn't been a release in like forever.

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