Omega Weaponds Abilities? (Full Version)

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The Astral Fury -> Omega Weaponds Abilities? (12/21/2012 14:52:37)

As you know the Omega weaponds each have a unique ability one passive and one acitve. Now since the gap with varuim and credit players have finally been restored, I think these weapond abilities should be somewhat VERY strong as there varuim weaponds and since all weaponds are the same relativly now with the new system, abilities will make up for that.

Here's are some guesses of what it could be (Feel free to put your own assumptions)
Passive- 25% increased damage (I know it's sounds OP, but again it is varuim and it is in the 10k pack so damage increastion isn't crazy)
Increase first strike chance by 10%

Once per battle- like the next one except this time 100% attack that ignores 50% defenses so like another rage, so this one is less crazy)
Once per battle- I love this one but it's really OP, enemy takes the same amount of damage you take that turn. So if an enemy does a 30 on you he takes 30 damage too. Also the enemy is forced to use his highest damaging move when you use this (That way he can't just do a cheap weak attack).
Once per battle- So the enemy puts a malfunction on you right? So this ability takes it off of you and puts half of it on to them.
Or... You reduce the debuff by 50% and the enemy takes that 50% debuff on to them.
This is the best one EVAR, but sadly the most and insanly OP. Cut off once per battle- you get to choose an ability your enemy can't use and your enemy get's to do the same, So I get rid of a BH's masscre, he'll get rid of my field medic or whatever.

These are my pretty OP abilities say which ones you think could be cool if put in game and give your own idea's!

Yo son -> RE: Omega Weaponds Abilities? (12/21/2012 15:09:55)

dude no, ok. this will defeat the purpose of omega. Am not sure about you but I will like to have control when I want to buy varium, not be force to buy it just so I can compete with varium players. These abilities should not significantly affect the battle filed, because if it does, then nothing has really changed, players will just be forced to pour money into the game just so the can have the next best ability. Sorry dude, but not every one has a billion dollars starched away somewhere. Seriously I honestly don't get it, why do you want so much to spend real money on a game to get a virtual currency? if the make abilities oped/ varium only, then that will just be a rip off, and will not be any different from enhancement.

The Astral Fury -> RE: Omega Weaponds Abilities? (12/21/2012 15:16:49)

Lol what are you talknig about. I said this abilties were OP, and just a speculation of the different abilities we might get in these weaponds. Lol don't know what your doing there, a billion dollars, virtual curency being bought, I was just speculating on some of the concepts these abilties may include again they weren't made to be taken for real as yes they would affect the battle field. Jeez everything on this forum has to be an argument, gosh.

Any way because I guess the first post had to be an argument, about someone who clearly didn't understand that these concepts were just speculations and idea's.

What do you guys think the abilities it will be, and discuss how powerful these abiltity's could or could not be. Will they be OP or UP.

Xendran -> RE: Omega Weaponds Abilities? (12/21/2012 15:19:52)

Not going to happen...

The Astral Fury -> RE: Omega Weaponds Abilities? (12/21/2012 15:24:37)

Lol did you read my post these idea's aren't legit and I'm not saying they should be put in the game, they're just meant to be a speculation of the different concepts these abilties could have. Now clearly no one read my post and people just wanted to turn this into an agurment.

Now Xedran because you clearly didn't understand the point of this post what do YOU think these abilities could be.

i'm prepare for someone to take these abilties as legit sugguestionss and have an argument again.

Waxor9001 -> RE: Omega Weaponds Abilities? (12/21/2012 15:37:43)

Totally unsupported, this is just too OP.

Mother1 -> RE: Omega Weaponds Abilities? (12/21/2012 15:38:27)

@ astral

I know you are upset because varium players will be getting a massive nerf for the sake of non variums. However this idea will defeat the purpose of omega. Non variums were never meant to be punching bags in the first place and your idea will help support the old concept again.

Rayman -> RE: Omega Weaponds Abilities? (12/21/2012 15:38:39)

Those are you'r Pretty Op Abilities that won't come In-Game? lol
I Only Think that the Abilities will be the following:
(Only Gonna name 2, for the E Promo)
Passive: % To take all opponent skills into cooldown for 2 turns (2cooldown)
Active: Summons something weird that have 25% to stun opponent and dealing 140% Of normal DMG, Blockable

The Astral Fury -> RE: Omega Weaponds Abilities? (12/21/2012 15:50:54)

Oh guys I see what you mean I'm just talking about the promo weaponds in the 10k package not about every single varuim weapond sorry bout that should have worded that better.

Any way what abilties do you think the promo weaponds could have.

8x -> RE: Omega Weaponds Abilities? (12/21/2012 16:17:56)


Passive- 25% increased damage (I know it's sounds OP, but again it is varuim and it is in the 10k pack so damage increastion isn't crazy)
Increase first strike chance by 10%

Ever heard of a skill called Diamond Blades? Well, this would make it look under powered. xD

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Omega Weaponds Abilities? (12/21/2012 17:32:02)

the devs are still working on the special, so lets just see what they come up with.

masterspider78 -> RE: Omega Weaponds Abilities? (12/22/2012 16:46:53)

sorry astral but I'm unsupporting you, this will eliminate the purpose of OMEGA and will leave that gap again

Rayman -> RE: Omega Weaponds Abilities? (12/22/2012 18:02:41)

This is Not a suggestion, these are just assumptions, so you can post yours too.

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ReinXI -> RE: Omega Weaponds Abilities? (12/22/2012 19:35:13)

( if you really wanna OP skill make it a skill that has a 99% chance of insta kill xD )

either way I personally think the attack skill ( if it has two ) will be something along the lines of a multi hit stab/ bash attack due to the phrasing "omega onslaught" so possibly a weaker version of something along the lines of beserker?

jzozezjzozez -> RE: Omega Weaponds Abilities? (12/24/2012 7:54:54)

Wait weapons have skills now? OPOPOP! Sweet this is cool.

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The Astral Fury -> RE: Omega Weaponds Abilities? (12/24/2012 8:04:34)

Ok not to be rude guys, but this was not a sugguestion. These ability's were only a speculation on the PROMO OMEGA ABILITIES not the other weaponds. These abilities were not meant to be taken for real and were suppose to be speculaiton of the different concepts the weaponds may have, because yes there OP, but I was trying to give out the concept of some of the abilties. You guys were suppose to comment about the abilties and say wether which one could be interesting in game (Again I'm not sugguestions this abilties be put in game) and also give your speculations on what they could be. Insead you guys went off about how there were way too OP (Lol I know that as said in the other posts, they were just a speculation and idea of what we could see on the OMEGA PROMO WEAPONDS they weren't meant to be taken for real, but I guess everything on tis forum has to be an argument. Lol and what would you guys going off about saying "unsupported" this wasn't a sugguestion.

Ok so if you guys understand this now, what can you speculate will be te passive and non- passive abilties for the OMEGA WEAPONDS I've gave my OP ones that weren't meant to be put in game as they were OP these abilties are just different concepts.

Rayman is the only guy who understood my post.

Ranloth -> RE: Omega Weaponds Abilities? (12/24/2012 8:21:04)

Passive and clickable ability.. Since it's new system and they made new abilities, this could be a fun one to speculate around.

For passive, I'd go for some kind of defensive bonus if you don't mind. Say passive reduction of damage by 5% or perhaps chance to take small % of enemy's damage and transfer it to HP (not 100% of the time, low chance). For clickable one, I'd love a normal damage skill (100%) and a DoT on weapon but working a bit differently -> it doesn't happen unless the "save" is made to prevent it so it strengthens every turn up to x amount of damage and then is applied, so if you're lucky then you may not take any damage at all if you kill the enemy and don't fail the save.
There could be cap in terms of damage or amount of turns so it doesn't go on for too long but it'd be as powerful as normal Poison but this one would deal damage when save is failed for the enemy and all at once. Sorta like OS has with some of their cards. And perhaps, for the duration of DoT, you could deal 5% more damage on all of your skills. Small boost, can be maybe 3-4 more damage at most.

So lemme summarise how DoT could work:
You apply it -> enemy makes a save every turn & if they fail then it puts 1 counter for the DoT (say counter = 3 damage) -> every turn enemy makes a save and if failed, another counter is added (now it's 6 damage total) -> if enemy makes the save and manages to stop the DoT then they take all the damage from the counters so far (6 damage) and DoT ceases.

'Course numbers can be adjusted, you could apply more complicated formula for it to balance it out but just a brief idea of mine.

Math can be fun.

RageSoul -> RE: Omega Weaponds Abilities? (12/24/2012 8:28:03)

It better not be like Blood for Blood ( if active ; from AQW's Berserker class ) and/or Berserker's Blood ( if it's passive ; from another non-AE game ).

SouL Prisoner -> RE: Omega Weaponds Abilities? (12/24/2012 21:52:25)

Some ones greedly asking for way too much ....

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