Ranloth -> RE: Omega Weaponds Abilities? (12/24/2012 8:21:04)
Passive and clickable ability.. Since it's new system and they made new abilities, this could be a fun one to speculate around. For passive, I'd go for some kind of defensive bonus if you don't mind. Say passive reduction of damage by 5% or perhaps chance to take small % of enemy's damage and transfer it to HP (not 100% of the time, low chance). For clickable one, I'd love a normal damage skill (100%) and a DoT on weapon but working a bit differently -> it doesn't happen unless the "save" is made to prevent it so it strengthens every turn up to x amount of damage and then is applied, so if you're lucky then you may not take any damage at all if you kill the enemy and don't fail the save. There could be cap in terms of damage or amount of turns so it doesn't go on for too long but it'd be as powerful as normal Poison but this one would deal damage when save is failed for the enemy and all at once. Sorta like OS has with some of their cards. And perhaps, for the duration of DoT, you could deal 5% more damage on all of your skills. Small boost, can be maybe 3-4 more damage at most. So lemme summarise how DoT could work: You apply it -> enemy makes a save every turn & if they fail then it puts 1 counter for the DoT (say counter = 3 damage) -> every turn enemy makes a save and if failed, another counter is added (now it's 6 damage total) -> if enemy makes the save and manages to stop the DoT then they take all the damage from the counters so far (6 damage) and DoT ceases. 'Course numbers can be adjusted, you could apply more complicated formula for it to balance it out but just a brief idea of mine. Math can be fun.