Wear a Yeti! - December 21, 2012 (Full Version)

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SMGS -> Wear a Yeti! - December 21, 2012 (12/21/2012 18:14:51)

December 21, 2012
Wear a Yeti!

Just a friendly reminder that the Are You Yeti shirts are now available at HeroMart! The Yetis are not currently available in game, so the shirt might be the quickest way to get your hands on a Yeti, particularly the new Dark Yeti!



The Dark Yeti offers an energy-based alternative to the classic Baby Yeti's attacks. When Omega goes live, you will be able to upgrade it to the Omega Dark Yeti!



Along with a Baby Yeti and Dark Yeti in EpicDuel, you will also receive a Baby Yeti Battle Pet in AQW!


Shirts are a real limited quantity item. There are only so many, so once they're gone, we're very unlikely to reprint more.

Get a shirt, save three yetis! Can't beat that! Mr. Scrabbles approves!

Happy Holidays! I look forward to continuing Omega development in the frosty Northlands.

Tags: Titan Are You Yeti Shirt HeroMart Yeti Pet Bot AQW

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