Missions (Full Version)

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arthropleura -> Missions (12/21/2012 21:15:25)

Missions giving a combination of credits and exp?

Mother1 -> RE: Missions (12/21/2012 22:58:37)

Not supported.

For those who are at the level cap the second part would be useless to them. As for credits we already get those in several missions.

RageSoul -> RE: Missions (12/21/2012 23:00:48)

But not everyone has reached level-cap

On Topic :

Supported !

Mother1 -> RE: Missions (12/21/2012 23:04:13)

@ lord

True but at the same time every mission rewards ALL players equally. Doing this even though a minority is affected it still wouldn't be fair to them especially since as I stated mission reward players and affect them equally.

RageSoul -> RE: Missions (12/21/2012 23:06:36)

Well , that depends on difficulty . If it requires me to pwn 50 people in Random PvP , which BTW is hard , then of course it's supposed to be high . But yes , i do agree , they're supposed to be equal , just not when one's harder though .

arthropleura -> RE: Missions (12/22/2012 20:21:03)

As shocking as it may be, the level cap WILL be raised again yeah? Cool

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