Varium member card (Full Version)

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Deiselman -> Varium member card (12/22/2012 12:34:51)

So i thought that with the varium and non-varium gad being closed i think the varium player should still have a preks and since most non-varium complain about the PVP gap i thought that variums should get a bonuss outside of PVP

the idea is to to make the card purshasble in-game for a small amought of varium (200-500)

when having this card you could have some access to sepcial areas, NPCs, shop, missons... and a nice chevo

what do you think

=ED= Frequently Suggested Ideas *READ BEFORE POSTING*

As its in the FSI, locking this up. ~Mecha

ninja.fighter -> RE: Varium member card (12/22/2012 13:29:28)

@above u r somehow referring to the last point in the list i assume

goldslayer1 -> RE: Varium member card (12/22/2012 16:20:21)

if by this u mean "membership" my suggestion was already shot down. (FSI)
even though it wasn't suggesting membership itself but rather what COULD BE membership bonuses.

Rayman -> RE: Varium member card (12/22/2012 16:23:48)

There's Already a Membership on the suggestion list but really i don't know.

EpicDuel Had Membership 1 time and they removed it to add Varium, that was the elite membership.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Varium member card (12/22/2012 16:25:58)

yeah but i personally think "Elite" membership wasn't very well thought out at the time. it was a very early stage of the game.

and now there are way more features that could be member perks (unlimited class changes?) as opposed to alpha.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Varium member card (12/22/2012 20:16:53)

@goldslayer1 unlimited class changes? again? im sure you wouldn't want to bring this topic back up again.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Varium member card (12/22/2012 20:39:14)

notice how it says "member Perk" mr negative.
its an idea.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Varium member card (12/22/2012 20:43:46)

@goldslayer1 yes i see that it says "member perk" but you could have mentioned others why free class changes, anyways it is never gonna get implemented.
also i can state my opinion on a idea, and my opinion is: this would affect varium sales in a long term condition.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Varium member card (12/22/2012 20:46:33)


anyways it is never gonna get implemented.

why are u always negative towards my suggestion posts?
Nostradamus, you dont know if it will be implemented or not, and u cant see the future.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Varium member card (12/22/2012 21:22:15)

@above not negative, i only agree with those that i think it is right, if you suggest something about like a varium member card only vendor that sells very cool looking weapons but the stats are same as all other weapons except with better art i would agree.


you dont know if it will be implemented or not, and u cant see the future.

its common sense, and you wouldn't know if i had any powers or not, plus you won't need any powers to see how this is gonna go in the future

goldslayer1 -> RE: Varium member card (12/22/2012 21:27:53)

im just simply asking because every post u make replying to me, its like u only post it to be the contrarian. instead of an actual intellectual poster.


its common sense, and you wouldn't know if i had any powers or not,

ohh... so u might be a jedi?

unless ur a staff member, whatever u say regarding what will happen and wont happen is baseless.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Varium member card (12/22/2012 21:41:23)

@goldslayer1 baseless? i have asked the devs and they said the idea has never crossed their mind, even when i have told them about your idea :P

Deiselman -> RE: Varium member card (12/22/2012 22:49:55)


not negative, i only agree with those that i think it is right, if you suggest something about like a varium member card only vendor that sells very cool looking weapons but the stats are same as all other weapons except with better art i would agree.

well since all the weps in omega will be the same exepte for the art work its kinda the idea remmber i said this card would NOT guve variums in advantage in PVP

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Varium member card (12/22/2012 23:10:42)

@above well thats what i mean, member card is just a member card it should only be used to access special shops and nothing else.

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