Rocko & Socko (Full Version)

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whackybeanz -> Rocko & Socko (12/22/2012 16:12:45)

Rocko & Socko
Darkness Element
Level	9	29	49	69	89	109	129	149	
XP	77	134	400	1636	7911	41751	232229	1339877	
Gold	24	46	132	543	2637	13917	77409	446624	
Power	2	2	2	2	2	2	2	2	
Melee	16	22	27	33	39	44	50	55	
Ranged	16	22	27	33	39	44	50	55	
Magic	16	22	27	33	39	44	50	55	
EstHP	250	710	1430	2440	3680	6570	9660	12600	
EstMP	100	170	240	320	390	460	530	600	

STR	40	95	145	200	250	250	280	345	
DEX	-15	-35	-55	-80	-100	-100	-110	-135	
INT	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	
END	5	15	40	70	95	195	260	290	
CHA	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	
LUK	15	70	115	155	200	200	215	245	
Fire	140	140	140	140	140	140	140	140	
Water	75	75	75	75	75	75	75	75	
Wind	75	75	75	75	75	75	75	75	
Ice	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	
Earth	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	
Energy	140	140	140	140	140	140	140	140	
Light	140	140	140	140	140	140	140	140	
Dark	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	
  • Regenerates «» SP and (approximately) «» HP per turn. (HP regen is based on their base HP.)
  • *If they have at least «» SP, then they spend that much and use a skill, for increased damage.

    * - Hello daddy, hello mom, it's a c-c-c-c-c-candy bomb!
    Level	9	29	49	69	89	109	129	149
    SPRegen	59	114	178	250	332	422	522	630
    HPRegen	12	31	56	85	118	157	198	242
    SP Cost	18	33	48	63	78	93	108	123
    Although they had their dental and waitering licences revoked, Rocko and Socko managed to keep their dental drills and breath mints! Watch out!

    Stats thanks to Scakk and in part to Abaraa. EFFECT and related values thanks to In Media Res. DESCRIPTION by Abaraa.

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