2v2 suggestions (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [EpicDuel] >> EpicDuel Suggestions


masterspider78 -> 2v2 suggestions (12/22/2012 17:01:37)

I suggest that the way 2v2 works for each players turn is that 1 team should start first outta random (so no stat should affect this, it's completely 50/50), than when the other team starts, the game engine (stats can effect this now) will randomly decide who goes first in the team, than the next team and so on. If 1 player on that team is chosen after 2 straight times, than the other team mate must have the next turn. Another suggestion is that when a player gets connectedness or leaves the game, the match ends with all players getting the same winning reward. So that way the player who was ditched won't feel bad about the fact that his opponent left and that the other 2 who were left won't feel guilty about this. I'm also adding that when that happens, the team that is still intact gets a win in their record while the guy who got left out gets nothing affected in his battle record. So what do you guys think?

arthropleura -> RE: 2v2 suggestions (12/22/2012 20:59:17)

firstly not everyone is always in the same team. What if the team mates split off into opposing teams after going first twice? And ur not helping the currently UP support either. It would lead to urging of people leaving if you do the disconnect rule, making the pvp thing kinda pointless. Not very well thought out..

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