Lycus -> RE: Why people should stop complaining about variums nerf~ (12/23/2012 10:29:33)
Locking this up since this is only going to turn into flaming, as has already been shown. I will touch on the subject on hand first though: I would firstly like to point out that anyone who has kept up with ED over the past months and have regularly read the DN's would have known that we have been trying to close the Varium/Non-Varium gap for quite some time now. It has been a project for quite a while now, since yes, Varium players pay for the running of the game, and we are incredibly grateful for that, but at the same time Non-Varium players also keep the game running, since without them, you guys would have no one to have an advantage over, nor would there be enough people to play the game. Now the main issue was that a lot of Free players were playing up to the point where Variums had most advantage, then simply just quitting the game. This is obviously not what we want. The only way to retain maximum players, which in the long run, means a much better game for you, is to close up the Varium/Non-Varium gap. As I have already stated, we have been aiming for this and many of the recent Non-Varium items have reflected this over the past few months. So you have had plenty of warning, so complaining about not having enough warning is not a great thing to do. Secondly, what is currently happening is that quite a few players are choosing to ignore the positives and just moan about the negatives, it is to be expected since there are always some people who do it no matter what. Think about all those Varium weapons you have bought in the past that now sit helplessly in your inventory no longer used because they are old and no longer good enough. Theoretically you could look back at them all as wasted money, since you purchased them all with Varium which you payed for, and now they are just pointless since you cannot use them. We did not feel that was fair on any user who had done that. Any user who had purchase Beta Weapons, Founder Armour and Alpha Weapons just to have some good weapons for a sort amount of time. Any user who had purchase Varium to get the seasonal rares such as Azreal's Bane and the Eggzooka's. Any user who purchased anything in the past with Varium to have an advantage for a bit, but then never be able to use the item again. With the old model we realised that people were paying for a limited time advantage anyway, so saying that this release has made it unfair because only now is it a limited time advantage and that is not what you paid for does no make any sense. Since you were paying for a limited time advantage anyway. We thought this was not fair on you as a paying customer, so we are now allowing you to use ANY weapon you have purchase at ANY level. This means anything you buy is a permanent advantage, since you have: 1) Purchased it without having to work real hard to earn the credits. 2) Upgraded it fully without having to work real hard to earn credits. 3) You have a lot of rare weapons you can now use and show off that people will/may never get the chance to purchase again. To me Varium players still have a big advantage, but at the same time, it is now a fair advantage. Varium is a huge time saver, as well as giving people rare weapons etc. that may not be achievable in any other fashion. Complaining that you no longer have an advantage, yet you now can use any weapon you previously purchased, can purchase and upgrade items without loads of time and effort, can purchase rare items no one else can and you can also class change, name change etc. so much easier, I feel that Varium players now have more of an advantage. Maybe not in a Over Powered, but in a sense that is fair for all, but Varium players still massively benefit. So I think we are thanking you a lot by making every single purchase you have made in the past mean something, not just purchases that you made that month and after are no longer considered powerful, but every purchase you have ever made. We thought a lot about this system and there are huge benefits for all parties involved. It's all about not just looking at the disadvantages and yelling 'I hate it, I am no longer OP', it's about looking on what you do get out of it. You will hopefully then notice this change makes a lot of changes for the better. Especially since it will mean more players continue to play, and therefore more competition, more people to meet and a bigger community. The advantages I have stated in this big post are just the start of it.