Fire Ring(Blood Mage ultimate skill) (Full Version)

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Hun Kingq -> Fire Ring(Blood Mage ultimate skill) (12/23/2012 23:42:12)

This will replace Super Charge and to bring excitement to the skill this what it will do:
the Blood Mage launches 6 fire rings each ring consisting of fire on the outside energy one the inside in 1vs1 a player gets hit 6 times with each one progressing in damage but in 2vs2 or Juggernaut each player is hit with three ring each progressing in damage. Instead of health return it is energy return.

Fire Ring
uses the same energy as Super Charge
energy/physical damage
6 rings of fire/energy
strike multiple or single targets
increases damage with each strike
Warm up same as the other ultimates

Mother1 -> RE: Fire Ring(Blood Mage ultimate skill) (12/23/2012 23:56:04)

Not supported.

This attack would once again be giving BM two multi's but an ultimate multi at that. Plus each ring powering up as they hit? Vastly OP. It would be like fighting against the delta vault and the infernal android before it was nerfed. Plus it can do both energy and physical Damage? No just no hun.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Fire Ring(Blood Mage ultimate skill) (12/24/2012 0:09:08)


This will replace Super Charge and to bring excitement to the skill this what it will do

yes it will bring excitement to you and the blood mages because you can pwn others with it.

not in any way supported, you don't realize how OP it is do you? bloodmage has health gain from dealing damage and now they have energy regain for dealing damage to 2 players while gaining health, also you now have gave blood mages 3 OP multi skills including this one, plus it deals energy and physical damage? not supported!!!!!

The Incredible Hulk -> RE: Fire Ring(Blood Mage ultimate skill) (12/24/2012 8:18:27)

Not Supported

Hun Kingq -> RE: Fire Ring(Blood Mage ultimate skill) (12/24/2012 9:56:30)

Mother1, Is Level 10 massacre that can take over 70 points of health is not over powered or level 10 berzerker taking away 50+ points or that surgical strike hits twice and takes away rage while super charge just does energy damage and unless a players resistance is low enough will not kill them even on max.

They told us awhile back the new classes will get new Ultimate skills, where are they?

So since the Blood Mage has nothing that gives back decent energy then why not come up with an ultimate (fire ring) that does that?

Ranloth -> RE: Fire Ring(Blood Mage ultimate skill) (12/24/2012 10:50:53)

Massacre has no effects hence higher damage. Zerker can be blocked and only Mercs have it which are just as limited on EP as BMs are. SS takes rage and gives some HP back whilst Super Charge "just" does energy damage with ignoring Resistance and gives % of it back to HP which makes it almost on par in damage with Massacre if not better in certain situations.

Yes, evolved classes will get new skills but they take time to balance out. With Omega coming, it'd be bad idea to release them with the Omega release since balance issues are bound to arise from the release. Give it some time. Staff is limited on numbers and have bigger projects to worry about.

BM doesn't need EP drain/regen. They have powerful skill-set already. TLMs don't have debuff, Mercs don't have a way to get EP back nor HP back (BC does it but it's limited; Energy cost, can be debuffed by Azrael Bot, lasts few turns whilst BMs have passive BL). It's really not needed. I'm a BM so I have my own view on it and it's just valid as yours. Thanks for your time.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Fire Ring(Blood Mage ultimate skill) (12/24/2012 11:43:37)

just to let you know im a BM too, and i must honestly say that the class is already OP. as trans said each ultimate have their own balanced effects and can only hit 1 target, but you are making it OP because bloodmage can have energy regen and health regen from bloodlust when using this, also making it hit 2 targets which is OP and unfair to the ultimate skills of other classes.

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