RageSoul -> RE: What's up with BM? (12/25/2012 0:51:23)
Ermm........ For your information, Mercenaries are not weak. They are actually good. I have tried several build to kill BMs which works (As a Mercenary). And for your information, People are only saying Mercenaries are weak because alot of people don't use that class. Mercenaries are Unique as there are only a few (Lets say 250/6000 or 500/6000) and thats what I like about the class. Question is does it handle the rest of the classes ? Don't mean to be rude or something , just asking . quote:
Lord Aegis, mercs have never been weak, a merc can use bunker buster and Berzerker and win the match in two turns, or Double strike and Berzerker or go with a support build, a real support build and win the match with Aux, pistol, and artillery strike. Same with Blood Mage . quote:
Someone with lower Dex blocks more often. Someone with lower tech deflects more often. Someone with lower support Crits more often. So you mean to say that Luck determines the class's power? Ah , i can say the same to Tech Mage , especially the SUPP one though . Seriously , what does Merc have anything to do with these Luck-Balance issues? quote:
These things happen when they made adjustments to the equations, move equations around, and introduce skills that increased the percentage. Then why blame Merc only? quote:
In battle Plasma Cannon and Bunker Buster damage was not equal even with my tech twice as high before the nerf and after the Nerf to get the same damage as Bunker Buster a Tech Mage had to put technician on me and on top of that, the opponents no matter who I shot with my pistol and their lower tech i was getting deflected left and right. Similar to the Luck part , still no . And isn't that because when you Crit with Plasma Cannon , Blood Lust benefits you ? HA provides defenses but won't compensate for the lack of EP regain , flexibility when ran out of EP due to EP drains and more .