What's up with BM? (Full Version)

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The Astral Fury -> What's up with BM? (12/24/2012 10:00:06)

They can boost there defenses by quite a bit, lower your damage get an easy 50 damage off a 5 focus build, do alot of damage with DA and with a nice blood lust to sweetnen the deal?
Does anyone find them OP, i mean what really angers me is that they can lower ur damage and buff there defenses.

Plus they get alot blocks form reflex boost and the energy gain from it too.

Mother1 -> RE: What's up with BM? (12/24/2012 10:44:52)

It is because all the other builds were nerfed into the ground. A while back the BM wouldn't have been a threat to the masses but now because of all the nerfs to the other builds this one has become the new OP thing simple as that.

Hun Kingq -> RE: What's up with BM? (12/24/2012 11:18:39)

Tech Mage can do the same as well as the Bounty Hunters as well as mercs with intimidation, You have to take a look at your own defense and resistance, if it is low expect 45+ damage.

Also you have to take a look at the equations behind the stats for they have been adjusted which everyone is forgetting and will be adjusted when Omega comes about.

RageSoul -> RE: What's up with BM? (12/24/2012 11:33:46)

^Uh , yeah , sure , like BMs have been as weak as Mercs .

The Incredible Hulk -> RE: What's up with BM? (12/24/2012 11:47:26)

@Lord Aegis

For your information, Mercenaries are not weak.
They are actually good.
I have tried several build to kill BMs which works (As a Mercenary).
And for your information, People are only saying Mercenaries are weak because alot of people don't use that class.
Mercenaries are Unique as there are only a few (Lets say 250/6000 or 500/6000) and thats what I like about the class.

If you want me to show you the full potential of a Mercenary......
Private message me one day and we'll meet. I'll show you what a Mercenary can do (My favourite class).................


And a great example of my Signature also ;)

Hun Kingq -> RE: What's up with BM? (12/24/2012 12:32:36)

Lord Aegis, mercs have never been weak, a merc can use bunker buster and Berzerker and win the match in two turns, or Double strike and Berzerker or go with a support build, a real support build and win the match with Aux, pistol, and artillery strike.

Someone with lower Dex blocks more often.
Someone with lower tech deflects more often.
Someone with lower support Crits more often.

These things happen when they made adjustments to the equations, move equations around, and introduce skills that increased the percentage.

In battle Plasma Cannon and Bunker Buster damage was not equal even with my tech twice as high before the nerf and after the Nerf to get the same damage as Bunker Buster a Tech Mage had to put technician on me and on top of that, the opponents no matter who I shot with my pistol and their lower tech i was getting deflected left and right.

The Astral Fury -> RE: What's up with BM? (12/24/2012 16:07:56)

Hun but merc's cannot boost there defense and retiance, they have a passive armour, but thats not nearly as defensive as RB and ES, they also do not have a passive to boost there side arm, or have health reganing passive. This is why BM's are OP.

And yes they need a nerf.

RageSoul -> RE: What's up with BM? (12/25/2012 0:51:23)


For your information, Mercenaries are not weak.
They are actually good.
I have tried several build to kill BMs which works (As a Mercenary).
And for your information, People are only saying Mercenaries are weak because alot of people don't use that class.
Mercenaries are Unique as there are only a few (Lets say 250/6000 or 500/6000) and thats what I like about the class.

Question is does it handle the rest of the classes ? Don't mean to be rude or something , just asking .


Lord Aegis, mercs have never been weak, a merc can use bunker buster and Berzerker and win the match in two turns, or Double strike and Berzerker or go with a support build, a real support build and win the match with Aux, pistol, and artillery strike.

Same with Blood Mage .


Someone with lower Dex blocks more often.
Someone with lower tech deflects more often.
Someone with lower support Crits more often.

So you mean to say that Luck determines the class's power? Ah , i can say the same to Tech Mage , especially the SUPP one though . Seriously , what does Merc have anything to do with these Luck-Balance issues?


These things happen when they made adjustments to the equations, move equations around, and introduce skills that increased the percentage.

Then why blame Merc only?


In battle Plasma Cannon and Bunker Buster damage was not equal even with my tech twice as high before the nerf and after the Nerf to get the same damage as Bunker Buster a Tech Mage had to put technician on me and on top of that, the opponents no matter who I shot with my pistol and their lower tech i was getting deflected left and right.

Similar to the Luck part , still no . And isn't that because when you Crit with Plasma Cannon , Blood Lust benefits you ? HA provides defenses but won't compensate for the lack of EP regain , flexibility when ran out of EP due to EP drains and more .

Combatoid -> RE: What's up with BM? (12/25/2012 8:42:01)

In my opinion it isn't OP. I think that it's just similar to Bounty Hunter 5 focus, in particular, with a passive (Deadly Aim) and intimidate replacing smokescreen. Personally, I think that it's just a fun class for players to use, that's why so many people choose it.

The Incredible Hulk -> RE: What's up with BM? (12/25/2012 8:48:30)


Question is does it handle the rest of the classes ? Don't mean to be rude or something , just asking .

Yes it can.
I've beaten Cyber hunters
I've beaten Bloody mages
I've beaten Tactical Mercenaries
I've beaten Bounty hunters
I've beaten Tech Mages

What more can you ask for.
And I told you. If you want to see the full potential of the class, PM me. I will show you what great builds (7 great builds) & skills I have.

arthropleura -> RE: What's up with BM? (12/25/2012 9:24:54)

None of their skills alone are actually OP. most of their skills except DA are fillers to live until the opponent runs out of attacks...

Blaze The Aion Ender -> RE: What's up with BM? (12/25/2012 13:13:15)

No skill alone is OP
But a combination of skills, such as BM's, can be OP, because their skill are effected evenly by their stats, which makes 5 focus ideal

Oba -> RE: What's up with BM? (12/25/2012 15:29:34)


Lord Aegis, mercs have never been weak, a merc can use bunker buster and Berzerker and win the match in two turns, or Double strike and Berzerker

Rofl, please try that and return with the results.

Ranloth -> RE: What's up with BM? (12/25/2012 16:00:21)

PS. For those smart ones, they have high damage and can be blocked. If they were unblockable, they'd deal a lot less damage. 2 turns yes, now account for Dex, lack of EP drain/regen, having to drain EP to afford such combo, decent Dex, decent Str, and some strategy IF it fails. Yes, very good combo!

Metallico -> RE: What's up with BM? (12/25/2012 18:26:21)

Guys, did u forget their fast rage?

Also 5 focus is one of the most devastating builds a blood mage can use since they have strong shields, a decent intimidate (-25) deadly aim which can do mora than 40 damage in rage and a extreme damage infernal android!

I find their skill combination deadly...

I suggest a defense blood shield since they get more than 40 dex with reflex boost and they can easily get back that health with just a gunshot and fix the massive damage they can do with bludgeon, maybe change it for double strike because it requires more energy and does lower damage...

If you analize their skill tree it is barely made for use a strenght build the deadly aim all...

Strenght in itself is overpowered, let´s use the logic:

¿They do much more damage with each strike and now they get faster rage doing more damage? it gives them atleast +40 hp with all the given in battle strikes.

I have already suggested the rage nerf for strenght builds, the rage speed must be reduced.

In conclusion guys delta has been the best phase to use strenght builds...

Exploding Penguin -> RE: What's up with BM? (12/25/2012 19:28:37)

This may sound biased coming from a BM myself, but they aren't OP. They're simply defensive classes with 2 defensive buffs, intimidate, and a deadly aim to keep their damage at a good amount. While this may seem overpowered, it isn't. Many other classes can't develop similar counter strategies to BM focus since it's so much more different than other focus builds (TLM focus and CH focus are somewhat similar, TM and BH focus are also quite similar). Like Blaze said, merc isn't UP either, I just played it until a week or so ago and they're actually fine. People just don't realize that you can't make most orthodox builds such as focus with merc. In fact, merc focus is the worst focus build out of all the classes... Many people who you fight that are mercs are typically going to be nonvars who haven't changed class yet, which led to the common stereotype that mercs are underpowered. Strength and Support builds are just as strong as any other build type, given a smart player who knows what they're doing in battle and build making.

RageSoul -> RE: What's up with BM? (12/26/2012 4:28:37)

Not really , but SUPP ? Nah , with all these nerfs to it plus lack of shields of the class , Merc wasn't really equal to the others .

Midnightsoul -> RE: What's up with BM? (12/29/2012 2:08:56)

I think the main reason why is because their skill tree correlates so well...

Shields and Intimidate increase with support. Increasing ur support helps fill in ur Deadly Aim requirements. What frightens me the most is synergy. I was probably the first 5 focus BM (yes my proof is on my youtube channel "theCyberUnion") and it is like one of those builds that u can live with forever. Problem is, it's kinda weak against energy drain.

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