Universal Skill For All Classes (Full Version)

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drekon -> Universal Skill For All Classes (12/24/2012 16:01:12)

I've been seeing a lot of suggestions relating to Blood Mages so I thought I'd share this for all classes. This is a universal skill that players can use when they're in a desperate situation with no way out.

Skill Name: Self Sacrifice

New Version:
- A passive skill that activates, once per battle, when the user is brought to his/her knee. (<20 Health credit to EmperorJanier)
- Once activated, a player may use it by simply using any Melee skill.
- If it is not used, the player will lose it. (This way, players can choose to heal instead of taking the risk of using it.)
- During use, the damage of the user's Melee skill is amplified by +150%. (20 Dmg >> 50 Dmg; 40 Dmg >> 100 Dmg)
NOTE: Some Melee skills are more powerful than others so +150% can grant a user with potentially devastating power.
- During use, however, the target's Block Chance increases by +35%. (i.e. If % Block is 25%, it increases to 60%)
- If the user has no Energy to perform a Melee skill, then Strike is the only option. NOTE: Strike is the weakest Melee
- The user will be sacrificing 100% Health and Energy after performing this attack.
- Can be used on Rage.

There are numerous ways to counter this and the target has time to decide which course of action will best enable him/her to survive the onslaught since the user's death is inevitable if he/she attacks. Take a few minutes to think about this before screaming OP. :) Feel free to add to or subtract from any aspect of the suggestion.

Previous Version:

- A universal skill with a 7 round warm up.
- Must have a minimum of 30 Energy before activation.
- User sacrifices 1 turn and 100% Energy to activate the skill (Engulfing him/her in a flaming aura).
- User can then perform the skill in combination with any Melee skill the next turn, but sacrifices 100% Health upon his/her attack.
If the user does not attack, he/she will lose the aura and the skill will be disabled without any health damage. The sacrificed energy will NOT be returned.
- User gains the destructive power of 150% More Damage on Any Melee Skill.
- User's chance to be blocked, however, is doubled from the normal amount upon activating the skill.
This means the target's Block Chance will be doubled. (i.e. If BC is 30%, it increases to 60% for the duration of the skill and the user only has a 40% chance to hit.)
- User's equipment skills like Connect that ignores block chance are disabled once this skill is activated.
- User's skill effects like "Ignore % of Def/Res" are disabled even on Rage.
- Can be used during Rage but only the damage bonus of Rage is applied.
- In 1v1, if the opponent dies from the attack, the user will die immediately afterwards, but still win the battle since the opponent fell first. No celebration animation is played.
- If the attack is blocked or the opponent does not die, the user still dies and loses the battle.

Mr. Black OP -> RE: Universal Skill For All Classes (12/24/2012 17:53:57)

Uhm so you die when you attack? Also if it's 150% it would be more beneficial to just attack then attack again.

ND Mallet -> RE: Universal Skill For All Classes (12/24/2012 18:02:16)

So I spend all my energy, health and 7 turns to do 1.5 times damage on a Strike(because I have no energy left to use any skills at all) that easily could very well be blocked and most likely will be? You also said that defense ignore is disabled including Rage but Rage still gets bonus damage, the only bonus damage Rage gives is from defense ignore.

EmperorJanier -> RE: Universal Skill For All Classes (12/25/2012 19:39:17)

7 turns to warm would take forever and the person might already be defeated before then. So why not make it ready when the player is at his exhaustion point (20 HP left) so he can at least use that skill before actually losing.

drekon -> RE: Universal Skill For All Classes (12/26/2012 2:55:57)

I got a little carried away with the details in my previous version. Haha! I've added a new version.

Scyze -> RE: Universal Skill For All Classes (12/26/2012 8:04:38)

What happens if the player somehow disappears when you're supposed to die?

So, on your knees. Doesn't luck play a huge factor in this? If you have people who have the same build and doesn't the first person who went first win? A Dexterity and Strength Berzerker build, won't that be hard? If Berzerker or something happens, what's the percentage of damage increased? Will it still stay, 90% + 150% and if its rage, 45% Defense ignored?

hawtnezz -> RE: Universal Skill For All Classes (12/26/2012 8:06:32)

maybe i need to be explicit for a select few. This skill will add on a 35% to the opponent to block my strike move. Now i can gun and be sure i will do damage. Perhaps even a crit. Also with 30energy i should hate a unblockable skill. Now do you understand. You can use zerk but would you use it knowing you have a probable 65% block rate? Seriously? Are you willing to sacrifice your life on pointless luck?

Scyze -> RE: Universal Skill For All Classes (12/26/2012 8:23:50)

Just because there is a high chance of something happening doesn't mean it's going to happen. Its possible for a block not to occur for over 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Battles.
When I was a BH, I would Smoke Screen people and they would Rage Cheap Shot and beat me. I would barely block.
In case you don't know what "Melee" means, its attacking physically. A gun does not do this.

Block chance doesn't go past a certain number. How did you get 65%? (30) If you went on a all out Dexterity build and used Blood Commander, and your opponent has lower Dexterity than you. Does it still mean you have a 30% block chance? If your opponent has a 6% chance of blocking, does he/ she still have 65% chance of blocking? Or is it 41%?
I also never heard of you dying in real life after losing in EpicDuel. It is just a game which people play for fun. EpicDuel is a luck based game. People do sacrifice their money. Go to a gambling house in L.A and most of the time, you have the highest chance of losing; and look, how many people have won thousands of dollars without using a lot of their own money?

Just because you have a high percentage of winning doesn't mean you'll win.
Basically, this move is a last move before you die?

drinde -> RE: Universal Skill For All Classes (12/26/2012 9:42:06)

Yeah.... I believe +150% damage will be useless against tanks, and too powerful against glass cannons.

How about the attack simply adds +10 damage to any melee attack?

Stabilis -> RE: Universal Skill For All Classes (12/26/2012 9:50:26)

I am not inclined to support a skill like this for the sake of overlapping skills.

Same with Field Medic, not all players need or want Field Medic.

AliveSlayer -> RE: Universal Skill For All Classes (12/26/2012 14:06:52)

So wait a second.. Lets say I have 19 health and use this skill. Does that mean I just die on the ground like that? I won't have any percent of life left? I'm just a bit confused as I thought of this one.

If what I asked was true. Lets say I have 19 health and I use that skill and I die as well as I kill the opposing player. Who will be the one who actually wins the battle then? Since both are dead? And the block chance looks too high to me. With a person having shadow arts, you surely know there's more than a 50% chance of us getting blocked using that skill.

I don't disagree with it though. Its a good idea, just needs a bit of changes according to me :)

drekon -> RE: Universal Skill For All Classes (12/26/2012 14:48:17)

NOTE: Underlined text in the following are just general statements that are not directed to anyone in particular.

@Malicious Neos and Trans, thank you for explaining those observations to hawtnezz.

In regards to the Block Chance limitation, the suggested skill has the ability to break that limitation in the same way Shadow Arts does, except it only lasts for 1 moment when the skill is used. If the user has the skill activated and he/she does not use it, then the target's Block Chance does not increase. As shown in the "previous version", the initial suggestion was to double the target's Block Chance, but I realized that if the target had a low percentage like the 6% you mentioned, doubling it would not be effective enough and the user of the skill would simple be OP in those instances. With the +35%, the minimum Block Chance of the target is 37% which is 2% greater than the current maximum without Shadow Arts. I'm open to a better way of calculating the increased Block Chance.

The aim is to provide a skill with potentially devastating power that carries a high price and does not guarantee victory. A skill that a player may choose to use in a desperate situation with no other effective options.

@hawtnezz, I assumed that everyone was competent enough to understand that the "previous version" no longer applies and that the "new version" replaces it. Thank you for proving me wrong. For your convenience, I'll be clearer about the fact that there is no 30 Energy requirement in the new version. The only reason why I kept the previous version in the post is that I do not like to delete information in the original post. By doing so, I and everyone else, can see how the suggestion has evolved.

@TRizZzCENTRINO, thank you. I'm always open to additional suggestions by the community.

@drinde, I see your point. A tank player is the primary reason why I decided to keep the Rage's Defense Ignore. This way, a user of the skill has a way of breaking through some of a tank's defenses. Various melee skills in each class has their own perks that could prove useful with this skill. For example, Cheap Shot can also ignore a certain percentage of defenses, while Double Strike and Bludgeon grants users with even more damage power instead of ignoring defenses. This way, everyone has the means of somewhat countering Tanks. In essence, giving a +10 damage bonus would be less effective than a +150%. If a player only does 10 damage against a Tank, then he/she would deal 25 with a +150% Strike versus the 20 with the +10 Strike. As mentioned before, skills like Cheap Shot and Double Strike, etc, would do considerably more damage than a regular Strike.

Keep in mind that there are many effective means of countering this skill, but timing is key. Your strategy for counteracting this will depend on many factors including your opponent's Class and Melee Skills available, their Energy prior to skill activation (insufficient energy to use skills mean Strike is their only Melee option), your defenses (shields may reduce the opponent's damage), and your health (if you can take the full damage and still survive then you win). Although I initially wanted Lucky Strike's Connect chance to be disabled, I now see the need for it. This could give players the ability to improve their chances to hit their targets while using this skill.

@Depressed Void. I see your point as well. I was thinking more in terms of this being a skill players could "choose" to have and not be forced to have. The only point of being universal is that everyone has access to it and not just one particular class. It would be most effective if players could customize their skill tree with various skills of a limited typed. (i.e. 3 Passive, 3 Melee, 3 Supportive(FM/DM/RB/etc), 3 Offensive) This could be a separate suggestion topic on it's own if the staff haven't yet considered it.

@AliveSlayer, yes you are correct. Once used, whether or not your opponent falls, your player would die/collapse. If the opponent dies first, however, you would be declared the winner. Perhaps the battle could be declared a draw. That would be interesting. :) I understand your concerns about the Block Chance being too high, but think of it this way. Currently, it's limited to 35% without SA and 45% with SA. Meaning that the attacker has a minimum of 55% chance to not be blocked if their opponent has maxed SA and 65% if they don't have it at all. As we've all experienced, even with a high percent chance to not be blocked, we still often times do. The same can be said in reverse, even with a high Block Chance percentage, the opponent won't always block. This way, luck still plays a part in it and nothing is guaranteed. Only more or less likely.

Sorry for this wall of text guys, I just wanted to get back to everyone. :) I hope I answered all your questions/concerns, but feel free to share any additional ideas or comments you may have.

Stabilis -> RE: Universal Skill For All Classes (12/26/2012 15:16:06)

If you can opt to include this in the skill tree then sure! I would only be against this skill overtaking a position in the skill tree.

ND Mallet -> RE: Universal Skill For All Classes (12/26/2012 15:27:58)

What about Massacre? That counts as a Melee skill and would easily destroy balance if Str Hunters get this skill as well then they would be able to one shot just about anyone.

drekon -> RE: Universal Skill For All Classes (12/26/2012 15:38:12)

@The ND Mallet Guy, I wasn't aware that Massacre is considered a Melee skill, but if that's true then I should specify that only "blockable Melee" skills ought to be eligible for use with this skill.

AliveSlayer -> RE: Universal Skill For All Classes (12/27/2012 10:56:04)

@Drekon thank you for explaining how it goes out to me :) According to me it looks fine really, and the block percent makes the game risky and more exciting. If this skill is allowed and there is an ending to a draw, I'm pretty sure the devs will come up to do something with the draws :D I like the idea really :) Only thing is the animation of self sacrifice now.

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