Claw Assault (Cyber Hunter New Offensive Attack) (Full Version)

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Hun Kingq -> Claw Assault (Cyber Hunter New Offensive Attack) (12/25/2012 12:45:09)

So since many complaints about how ineffective Shadow Arts is and each new class I came up with skills that would give the regain that they don’t have it is time for the Cyber Hunter.

Claw Assault
Claw Assault replaces shadow arts hits two enemies in 2vs2 and 2vs1 damage is divided by 2
Returning a percentage of health.

Energy Required:
o Level 1: 8
o Level 2: 11
o Level 3: 12
o Level 4: 15
o Level 5: 18
o Level 6: 21
o Level 7: 24
o Level 8: 27
o Level 9: 30
o Level 10: 33
· Weapon Required: None
· Stat Required: None
· Level Required: 2
· Improves With: Strength
· Warm Up: 0
· Cool Down: 1
· Health Regain
· Level 1: 12%
· Level 2: 15%
· Level 3: 18%
· Level 4: 21%
· Level 5: 23%
· Level 6: 25%
· Level 7: 27%
· Level 8: 28%
· Level 9: 29%
· Level 10: 30%

King Helios -> RE: Claw Assault (Cyber Hunter New Offensive Attack) (12/25/2012 12:46:28)

I'm sorry, but this is a bad idea. No offense. Then Cybers would have only 1 passive.

How about something which increases your damage done to two targets by 15%?

Hun Kingq -> RE: Claw Assault (Cyber Hunter New Offensive Attack) (12/25/2012 13:02:03)

Does it really matter how many passives a class has in battle? What matters is the battle itself there really not set standard on the passives, if they want a class to have 1 passive to put in new skills for the new classes they they would have that one passive.

I did not put the damage scaling because I want the staff and the players of the Hunter classes decide the damage scaling but can't be as powerful as massacre and will it be single strike,progressive double strike, or progressive triple strike.

Blaze The Aion Ender -> RE: Claw Assault (Cyber Hunter New Offensive Attack) (12/25/2012 13:16:16)

Each class in the game has 2 passives, in an attempt to make every class more similar, while still staying unique

Removing a passive would make the class need more energy to use all of their skills, and would put 5 focus users at a disadvantage

Mother1 -> RE: Claw Assault (Cyber Hunter New Offensive Attack) (12/25/2012 13:19:19)

Not supported for the soul purpose they would only have one passive. Remember when merc had only one passive? The staff took out blood shield and to give them a second passive.

Hun Kingq -> RE: Claw Assault (Cyber Hunter New Offensive Attack) (12/25/2012 13:34:50)

Blaze The Aion Ender, simple solution allow static charge to give back more energy but not too much more, and do you not remember all the complaints how useless the 2nd passive was. They where complaining how useless Blood Shield was when taken away they complained how they need an energy shield now.

This would give the Cyber Hunter more variety builds than ever before and this skill is better than shadow arts for a true duelist an offensive attack that give back health would be more beneficial.

Mother1 -> RE: Claw Assault (Cyber Hunter New Offensive Attack) (12/25/2012 13:46:06)

@ hun

If you have been reading you would have been hearing the complaints about shadow arts causing hunters to block too much not how useless it is. Also as it was stated by others all classes need two passives so unless they have something in store for omega that will change this have this move replace something else if anything but not a passive.

Hun Kingq -> RE: Claw Assault (Cyber Hunter New Offensive Attack) (12/25/2012 13:55:51)

Mother1, It was complaints in both directions some complain how useless it is some complain how it cause hunters to block too much so I came up with this to replace shadow arts for the Cyber Hunter only so that they can call it their skill.

They have big changes in store for Omega starting with weapons then the skills, they have been too hush hush on the skills part which they will probably be so until after the changes.

So far no one has taken up the offer on coming up with the damage scaling.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Claw Assault (Cyber Hunter New Offensive Attack) (12/25/2012 17:33:20)

would you like it if they replaced blood mages deadly aim with a skill called staff assault? therefore making blood mages have only one passive, would you be happy Hun? if you are happy with blood mage having 1 passive then i would be happy with cyber hunter having 1 passive.

Hun Kingq -> RE: Claw Assault (Cyber Hunter New Offensive Attack) (12/25/2012 19:05:03)

Mother1, Do you not remember before Shadow Arts, Assimilation, and Blood Shield The tech Mage had two passives, bounty hunter had one passive, and merc had one passive.

Then Shadow Arts, Assimilation and Blood Shield was introduced, giving the Bounty Hunter two passives, the Tech Mage still two passives, and the merc still only ONE passive because no where it says that classes have to have two passives or any passives if the staff wanted too they could give a class 6 passives and the others 1.

So again I ask show us any where every class is required or should have two passives.

If you ask any Cyber Hunter that does not come to the forum if they would give up shadow arts to have an attack skill that hits two targets in 2vs2 or 2vs1 I can guarantee they would say, yes.

If it uses too much energy than either that can be adjusted or static charge can be adjusted.

Mother1 -> RE: Claw Assault (Cyber Hunter New Offensive Attack) (12/25/2012 19:42:20)

@ Hun

Actually I wasn't around for that I only started in delta.

However, remember that was one testing phase, and right now we are still in another testing phase. Plus it was said by the balance them themselves that all class must have two passives which was why they gave merc adrenaline since they for the longest only had one passive. Plus If what you were saying was true then why didn't the balance team remove reroute instead of smoke when they had to choose a move to take away from TLM when they were nerfing them and cyber hunter? They could have easily just have taken reroute and left smoke but instead they removed smoke for field commander. I could ask you the same thing hun.

While some things aren't need for all classes (such as a debuff for TLM energy drain for BM, or something that give back health when using an ultimate CH) All classes have to have

1 2 passives
2 one healing move
3 a stun move
4 an ultimate move.

Hun Kingq -> RE: Claw Assault (Cyber Hunter New Offensive Attack) (12/25/2012 20:37:31)

Mother1, None ever stated that all classes must have two passives they took out Blood Shield and gave merc adrenaline because a small group of players that did not represent the merc community complained Blood shield uses too much heath, they lowered the health requirement, then they complained it did not give enough resistance so they increased the resistance, then complained it was useless and should be replaced and they did and that is why the merc class got adrenaline, I faced mercs that used blood shield and it reduced energy attacks too well. Then the complaints went on how underpowered the merc class was and that field commander was useless which the merc class was never underpowered and field commander was not useless so they got Blood Commander which that skill should have went to the tact merc. The reason why they removed smoke was they had too many skills that caused them to be overpowering. The tact merc should have never got reroute and only reason they did they had no other skills that would give them energy regain to complement Frenzy but in another post I have give a skill that would do so. Tell us why does the tact merc has an health regain and an energy regain while the Cyber Hunter or Blood Mage does not?

1 2 passives - No where it is written it is only players opinion. Titan is the leader programmer if he decides one class will have one passive than that one class will have one passive whether the players like it or not and if he sees something that would be better than the passive then within a nano second it will be done.

These three are known
2 one healing move
3 a stun move
4 an ultimate move.

Mother1 -> RE: Claw Assault (Cyber Hunter New Offensive Attack) (12/25/2012 21:09:28)

@ hun

BM has an health regain move outside of bloodlust in the form of supercharge or didn't you forget about that one? Also why would BM need a move to gain back health when they have bloodlust which give them back health with every attack that connects? As for energy gain they have reflex boost which works in the form of a weaker reroute for a few turns so their is there energy gain right there.

As for Cyber hunter they have static to give them back energy which is more then I can say for the merc class. However as for a health gain move outside of heal they don't have one but at the same time some classes don't have stuff that other have. such as BM having no energy drain, merc having no energy gain, Tech merc having no debuff. However as of right now all classes due have 2 passives. Undoing that would be going backwards IMO and we need to move forward hun.

Lastly like Tech merc and Merc CH is a tank class. Shadow arts assist with blocking which is something that is useful for a tank class. Lastly Cyber hunter has static charge which is their own move. in fact each class has their own move or moves be it passive or skill.

TLM mineral armor, frenzy, toxic grenade Field commander
BM Plasma cannon fireball
CH Static charge Plasma armor, Plasma gernade
TM Assimilation, Technician
Merc Hybrid armor, Bunker blaster, Berzeker Blood commander Maul
BH Smokescreen

Hun Kingq -> RE: Claw Assault (Cyber Hunter New Offensive Attack) (12/25/2012 21:49:38)

Mother1, no I am not forgetting about Super Charge but your forgetting Supercharge is weak and does not stack with Blood Lust but Overrides it and Super Charge takes a lot of energy to use if you want good health return.

You really want to compare 15% energy return to reroute which it takes more energy to use than you get back and if it is too high than you don't have enough energy to use reflex boost again so it becomes a one use skill.

I am coming up with skills for the new classes to set them apart from the old and at the beginning of Delta the staff told the players the old classes will not get new skills but things change and the merc class got two new skills and players complain about those skills.

Changing things to add new skills to the new class is not moving backward but forward with the necessary changes that should have happen in Delta and if the skills I suggest moves things forward to more exciting battle modes bringing in more players in than the skills should be welcomed or maybe all 6 classes should have the same exact skills?

The three classes have shared moves and because of that the staff can't adjust the skills without affect the other classes that share that skill. The Cyber Hunter has a passive Armor so they don't need help blocking

Do you not remember that tact mer and merc both had Hybrid Armor and reason why they switched the Hybrid Armor from tact merc is to adjust the passive armors separately without affecting each other.

So with you list
TLM mineral armor, frenzy, toxic grenade Field commander
BM Plasma cannon fireball
CH Static charge Plasma armor, Plasma gernade
TM Assimilation, Technician
Merc Hybrid armor, Bunker blaster, Berzeker Blood commander Maul
BH Smokescreen

Let's get rid of all other skills except for field medic to set the classes apart from each other, have only those skills in the skill trees or we could change out more skills to set the classes further apart. in your Cyber Hunter list do they have a physical attack skill with benefits that they can call their own, as Claw Assault they would be able to call their own and set them apart from the Bounty Hunter class and the other three new classes.

Mother1 -> RE: Claw Assault (Cyber Hunter New Offensive Attack) (12/25/2012 22:09:59)

@ hun

If supercharge did stack with supercharge it would be OP because BM would be getting 53% of the damage back at max if you add the 30 and 23%. Plus as I stated why would they need a single move for health gain when they already have a passive that makes every move that does damage give them back energy can you answer me that one Hun? A tech abuse build would have a field day with that if supercharge's 30% health gain stacked with bloodlust plus Supercharge isn't in any form weak. It goes through 20% of resist just like Plasma cannon so BM have 2 moves that ignore resist which if you think about it is something else that makes this class unique. Also you said BM didn't have no energy regain moves which I proved you wrong since while you think it is crappy it is still that an energy regain move. However it is a secondary effect of this skill as it's main purpose is to give back dex and even at level one it is still fixed at 15%. You can't compare it to reroute as reroute's only has one function which is just to give you back energy as long as you take damge.

I tip my hat to you with the area of creativity, however besides the fact that you want to take out a passive move to put yours in the move itself once again is something will give this class an unfair advantage over the others. Have two multi attacks when each class only has one isn't balance and can be easily abused. If all classes had 2 of their own multi's that is one thing, but each class only has one not two. Having one class having one more multi than another would cause balance issues, and would OP that class even if you did remove a passive for it.

Think about it, Claw assault, Multi shot, and the new spreadfire weapon. That is 3 multi attacks that CH could have and even if they don't have the spreadfire weapon that is 2 on the skill tree. It would upset the already messed up balance even more and would cause this class to dominate 2 vs 2 and jug fights.

AliveSlayer -> RE: Claw Assault (Cyber Hunter New Offensive Attack) (12/26/2012 4:46:59)

If cyber hunters have static charge and claw assault together. They can do almost anything by spamming strength. If they do high damage they will keep on regaining health and energy back easily. It would be too easy for cyber hunters to dominate 1vs1 here. I doubt any other class would have a chance.

Besides I like cybers anyway. They aren't OP nor they are UP. They look just fine to me. And shadow arts does a major effect to me as always. With lv 7 and me having more dexterity I get blocked like 3 times in 7 rounds. It has a major effect on blocks and help cybers out big time.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Claw Assault (Cyber Hunter New Offensive Attack) (12/26/2012 7:23:03)

@above it won't be OP but UP, because in omega health and energy increases by 1 point for each stat point, so if you want to use 2 of your max skill, you will have to sacrifice your health and other stats which would leave you vulnerable, making a strength build is the same thing, you will need to sacrifice your technology and dexterity(maybe even support) to get you the desired damage/energy/health to use it. Overall it would make cybers UP. i will get a MOD or a DEV to explain why having 2 passive for each class is important since some, don't listen until someone of higher authority explains it to you.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Claw Assault (Cyber Hunter New Offensive Attack) (12/26/2012 8:55:57)

@above not really, deadly aim and bloodlust are over effective passives. shadow arts don't guarantee blocks, sometimes if you are unlucky, even with shadow arts you may never block anyone in a battle because most smart players would rather use their unblockables and get deflected than dealing no damage to the opponent.

AliveSlayer -> RE: Claw Assault (Cyber Hunter New Offensive Attack) (12/26/2012 17:23:27)

Oh alright. Now I understand trizz. Thanks for explaining it to me :)

I'm sticking to what trizz has said. As what I feel is that he's actually right. Forgot about the one point stat for health and energy in omega.

theholyfighter -> RE: Claw Assault (Cyber Hunter New Offensive Attack) (12/27/2012 6:55:50)

What if Static is Passive and this idea is used?

Just saying...(imagining ppl not supporting)

hawtnezz -> RE: Claw Assault (Cyber Hunter New Offensive Attack) (12/27/2012 7:11:44)

who the hell says every class should have 2 passive. Passive skill is a skill thats active everyturn. Mage has half a passive skill thats reroute. If i skip two turn and Emp his passive is sitting duck. Deadly aim isnt a passive its an active skill like static. Deadly needs gun static needs any weapon. Deadly got 2 turn cooldown static 2 turn cooldown. Deadly extra gun damage static extra energy. So dun give us the passive rule. Only true passive is mineral, energy hybrid armour skills. Blood just is an active passive too. If i boost 2 times my passive is sleeping emp 2 turns. Moreover a mineral armour is equal to 70 dex whereas a energy armour is equal to 40 tech. So if your a tlm you have a massive passive over all other passive.

Understand now what a true passive is. Everyclass does not have a true passive. Blood mage is the weakest cause its deadly can be screwd with a malf. You cant do that to shadow arts or anyother passive. Moreover its not necessary to have 2 passive skills. You can own with just one passive. You can own with just one passive. Merc with max hybrid max double and max zerk should be the next op class in omega.

Ranloth -> RE: Claw Assault (Cyber Hunter New Offensive Attack) (12/27/2012 7:17:29)

True passive is your definition. Passive is skill that's always active in fight such as passive Armor for example.
TM - Reroute & DA
BM - BL & DA
CH - PA & SA
Merc - Adrenaline & HA
TLM - PA & Reroute
BH - BL & SA

So yes, every class needs two. Mercs had ONE and they had Blood Shield taken off from them for sake of Adrenaline so they have 2 passives. SC is a skill, you gotta use it, isn't active and can be blocked. You got definitions wrong there.

hawtnezz -> RE: Claw Assault (Cyber Hunter New Offensive Attack) (12/27/2012 7:27:20)

everyclass does not need two. Deadly can be deflected and requires a gun emp it to work. You are mistaken by what a passive means. Just cause the devs named static an active skill does not change it for a fact thats its the same as deadly aim with a different benefit. Thats it. The only passive skills in this game are mineral, energy, hybrid and adreline. Rest are just active or supportive skills mistaken to be passive. If you take the strongest class here it would be the merc cause of its always active 2 passive and its gona shine in omega without doubt.

Ranloth -> RE: Claw Assault (Cyber Hunter New Offensive Attack) (12/27/2012 7:39:11)

Sure sure. Passive by Staff's definition is skills that are always active, no matter what it needs to work. DA needs Gun + cooldown but it has higher % to compensate for it. New weapons in Omega will have passive skills (one core), that means it's always active. But it isn't passive since it requires Primary, no? <.< >.>

hawtnezz -> RE: Claw Assault (Cyber Hunter New Offensive Attack) (12/27/2012 7:46:55)

now your just trolling me. It makes no diff if it needs a gun or a primary. If it has a cooldown its not a passive. If the omega weapon has a skill like the delta armour or the frost armour that works on chance then its just a support skill. If it has something that works throughout the fight something like always reduce crit damage. Then its a passive. You get it now or you just wanna toll me?

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