Junker Yard (Full Version)

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Stabilis -> Junker Yard (12/26/2012 13:31:21)

Main Point: Shop that sells items that you have sold

Supporting Points:

•Access to the Junker Yard requires a mission or mission chain

•Cannot sell to the Junker Yard Junker (robot)

•Junker Yard shop sells all items that you have sold

•Junker Yard shop prices are affected by the rarity score of the item

•Item prices are equal to the value of the item multiplied by the score of the rarity index of that item

(Rarity Score: normal = 1.1, seasonal rare = 1.2, limited rare = 1.3, rare = 1.4, ultra-rare = 1.5)

•The maximum number of an item that can be bought is equal to the total number of sold items of that item

•Items bought from the Junker Yard do not differ from the original items

•The Junker Yard Junker can restore rusted items to regular form at 50% of the cost of the value of the original item

The player accepts a mission from an NPC that gives an access card to the Junker Yard. There, the player can access the Junker Yard shop and buy items that have been previously sold. For example, a player has sold 4 Gamma Bikes in the past. A Gamma Bike is valued at 15000 credits, 1500 varium, and indexing RARE. The cost of the Gamma Bike from the Junker Yard is 21000 credits, 2100 varium. The player is only permitted to buy up to the 4 bikes in stock.

Questions, suggestions, comments?

Combatoid -> RE: Junker Yard (12/26/2012 13:37:17)

I personally think that it's a fantastic idea.

Mother1 -> RE: Junker Yard (12/26/2012 13:42:04)

Other then the idea that you can get back items that you sold in the past for a fee this is a good idea. I say this because who would buy a non rare item from this character when they can get a normal item cheaper then the junker's price. Also it would defeat the purpose of rare items even if you did once own them. It was your choice to sell them and being able to get them back when they are rare would defeat the purpose of rares.

Also with the list of items don't add the rusted assault bot being repairable. If that was done then player would just turn every rusted assault bot into it's varium counterpart and then sell it and boom free varium. This would be abused and would make varium even more devauled.

Stabilis -> RE: Junker Yard (12/26/2012 13:53:03)

I will address your concerns here Mother1:


Who would buy a non rare item from this character when they can get a normal item cheaper then the junker's price.

The aim of the Junker store owner is to scam you when it involves normal items. Buying from them is only reasonable when the item is not available and you want/need it NOW!


Also it would defeat the purpose of rare items even if you did once own them.

Rarity has no purpose my friend aside from rarity points on a player (useful once for Treasure Hunter) and rarity competitions (rarity leaderboards). Rarity is a glitzy glamour spec of an item that really tries to emphasize the assumed "oomph" of the item. This will not attack or defend rarity because the players are already entitled to these possible items from before and are deadlocked from revisiting because... shops do not sell them anymore. Simple point, simple edge, "butter knifing" rarity is not destructive because, well of course, players that never had these rares will STILL not be able to retrieve them.


Also with the list of items don't add the rusted assault bot being repairable. If that was done then player would just turn every rusted assault bot into it's varium counterpart and then sell it and boom free varium.

Thank you I should be a bit more specific. ALL rusted items at 50% of credits AND varium. Credit-rusted items have no varium influence because no matter how you put it, 0/x is always 0, so the varium cost never shows up.

AliveSlayer -> RE: Junker Yard (12/26/2012 14:13:22)

Well I can't disagree with that :) But what if someone sells an item by mistake? Will the seller also have to buy it for that cost? Or re collect it for free of charge?

Stabilis -> RE: Junker Yard (12/26/2012 14:40:46)


Not sure how that could be handled... I have 2 possible fixes:

A: Use captcha codes when selling an item (excludes stacking items like boosters)

B: Use a lockdown feature. A lockdown prevents an item from EVER being sold and increases the rarity score by 200

J.U.S.T.I.C.E. -> RE: Junker Yard (12/26/2012 14:51:18)

Supported. I know over 20 gamers who were once "BIG" in ED, and there accounts were broken in to and stolen (when somebody logs in to your account and sells pretty much everything you have). I would love this idea to come back in to place. It would help me getting all my old weapons back which mind you, I didn't sell (except from Charfades Armour). I also think, because of this new "Credit only" system, the items which you can re-buy go up in value. For example, Frostbane of 2010 - 20kC and 1.5kV ^^ This should or could be increased to 20kC to x2.5 = 50kC and 1.5kV = 500V per 25kC.

That would make the weapon 125kC, (C = Credits, V = Varium). Not only would this increase the players playtime, it would also bring an uplifting time to the community and something to spend credits on.

However, along with Mother1's point about the rarity of the item, could the programmers remove the %'age of the rarity or reduce it slightly? So when you re-purchase it, it comes under "RE-BOUGHT" in your inventory, this would remove the rarity rating of the weapon and just create the joy of having it once again.

Along with another request just so these weapons can still remain "Rare" is, once you have bought the weapon(s) from the store, if you sell them again, they cannot just be re-purchased from the Junker store.

???? Good Idea ????

Stabilis -> RE: Junker Yard (12/26/2012 15:05:16)

I think that making a rarity deduction to a repurchased rare would be OK. If it is too much trouble to go into an item and change that specific item to a lesser rare, we can always just create rarity markers, positive markers boost rarity and negative markers sink rarity.

I am iffy on not being able to repurchase Junker-bought items but I can tolerate that. Thanks for the responses so far.

Scyze -> RE: Junker Yard (12/26/2012 15:29:29)

There is a reason why such items are Rare. Do you still get back what you sold?

I don't like this idea since there was a reason to why you sold it. People can sell their Weapons if they are low of currency and buy them back when they have the money. Isn't this going to be a "Pawn" business. If you get hacked and your items are sold, its your fault, not the hacker. You told him/ her your account details.
Basically, if you sell your "Gamma Bike", how can you get it back? Did the person who's selling it buy it from the person who you sold it to? Is the seller in a business to make a profit?

There is a reason to why certain things are Rare. Do you see a 1988 L88 Corvette getting sold and bought for a cheap price? Rare items are expensive, every day, the price rises.

The price is too low. If I sold my 1988 L88 Corvette car for something like $500,000 and since its value is "Ultra-Rare", does that mean the price is 750,000? How about a new feature where you can buy someone's gear as well? If the item is original, shouldn't it be the retail price? If it is the same thing, shouldn't it show age?

J.U.S.T.I.C.E. -> RE: Junker Yard (12/26/2012 15:41:34)

^^ At above, what happened if I didn't give over my details? The person was on my FB friends and from there, they got in to my account. Not my problem buddy.

Ranloth -> RE: Junker Yard (12/26/2012 15:45:33)

No. It is YOUR problem. You let your friend get onto your account, whether it was intentional or not, it's also against Terms and Conditions to share. It says it clear to NOT give out your details to anyone, whoever it is, even your family. Why? Your brother/sister can always log on, delete stuff and laugh at you. There's no exceptions.

Scyze -> RE: Junker Yard (12/26/2012 15:47:24)

It's still your reason to why you added them as a friend. What do you mean? Your post make no sense.


The person was on my FB friends and from there, they got in to my account. Not my problem buddy.

If they are your FB friend, how can they still get your account. There is no way on how you can get hacked without sharing.

Stabilis -> RE: Junker Yard (12/26/2012 16:14:17)


Malicious Neos: I don't like this idea since there was a reason to why you sold it.


If you can specify more I will be sure to address the problem to fit your concern(s).

Scyze -> RE: Junker Yard (12/26/2012 20:19:21)

Do you understand English?


I don't like this idea since there was a reason to why you sold it.

If you wanted that item, why did you sell it in the first place?

The chances of this happening in low. Very low. If you like to keep your Rare items, don't sell it. There is no way to get it back.

Stabilis -> RE: Junker Yard (12/26/2012 21:17:05)

OK mister tough guy, like always I do not report someone acting rebelliously, just know that I am always watching and I am always ready (for what?).

The Gamma Bike (if that was what you were referring to) is only an example. Nothing more. Yes I understand English. Buying back items at interest is a sales gimmick. With customizable items, it only slightly differs to have different types. This is to privilege players to be able to have full access to items in their history regardless of mistakes or scams. Because quite frankly, that and rarity are quite irrelevant to playing. Unless of course rarity matters for everything to you I can respect and tolerate that.

The Astral Fury -> RE: Junker Yard (12/26/2012 21:22:42)

I sugguested the exact same idea, a month ago.... SUPPORTED

Waxor9001 -> RE: Junker Yard (12/26/2012 22:01:46)

I sold many of my old rares too, I'd like to get some of them back xD.


Crimson Eagle -> RE: Junker Yard (12/26/2012 22:07:17)

I'm not too sure about this suggestion... I support it, but at the same time I don't.

Reasons why I support:

1. If you have ever been hacked, this would be the best and only way to regain your sold weapons!

2. If you have ever accidentally sold any of your "Rare" weapons, you could easily retrieve them back.

Reason why I don't support:

1. If you sold that weapon, you sold it for a reason. There's no second chances if you have changed your mind.

2. When you said that the Junker can restore rusted items, does that mean Assault Bots too? It's an easily abused system for free Varium.

I do indeed like this idea, but it's those little flaws that make it unsupportable.
Support/Not Supported.

Stabilis -> RE: Junker Yard (12/26/2012 22:40:58)


For point #2,



Also with the list of items don't add the rusted assault bot being repairable. If that was done then player would just turn every rusted assault bot into it's varium counterpart and then sell it and boom free varium.

Thank you I should be a bit more specific. ALL rusted items at 50% of credits AND varium. Credit-rusted items have no varium influence because no matter how you put it, 0/x is always 0, so the varium cost never shows up.

Combatoid -> RE: Junker Yard (12/26/2012 22:42:58)

@above Lol, if you sold it you sold it for some quick cash. I don't think people sell items because they say,"Hey, I really hate this weapon that I just bought and I want to sell it."

Edit: Btw, for some reason Rusted Assualt bot and Regular Assualt Bot have 65% debuff fix. Rusted is purchasable for 14k creds and I believe that I purchased my assualt bot for 12,500 credits and 1,250 varium. This is kind of unfair. I believe it will require varium to move up to a regular assault bot since it requires varium to upgrade any item that's fixed self is purchasable for varium.

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