RE: Gifts Delivery (Full Version)

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Galez -> RE: Gifts Delivery (12/27/2012 21:14:00)

if feels good to give i wish they were more event like this in the future

and to everyone who want to know to whom i made for

i made for smalls

ACW0 -> RE: Gifts Delivery (12/27/2012 21:26:14)

A CHICKENCOW WITH BACON!!! :D Am SO Happy!!! Thank You Thank You! :D


I Hope Masterdeco Likes Mine I worked really hard on the stop motion for him

Eukara Vox -> RE: Gifts Delivery (12/27/2012 23:31:44)

Very Interesting. I have two, so I imagine that whoever wrote the poem, did the art...


Whoever wrote the poem is from IRC, because said person knows my many RP names...



I love them! Thank you very much!

bruextian -> RE: Gifts Delivery (12/28/2012 1:49:05)

Hope I know who made mine :D

Balu -> RE: Gifts Delivery (12/28/2012 5:53:44)

Whoa, i wuvs my gift! :3 Someone found out what my fave color is and made for me this beauty. I wants that Emerald GreatSword!! :D Thank you Schillie!

This was fun and it`s so nice to see all these gifts so many awesome people came up with! This needs to be an annual event from now on.

Sainsbo -> RE: Gifts Delivery (12/28/2012 8:32:35)

Incase the person wants to know..


Mecha Mario, I made your gift. I hope you like it!

Thanks Theshadowed! I love it! :D

coolboypai -> RE: Gifts Delivery (12/28/2012 8:56:57)

Hey man! :D
I'm really glad you enjoyed the sig I made you

schillie -> RE: Gifts Delivery (12/28/2012 9:41:55)

Thank you for the sig! :D
I wuve mogwins :3

spikedinosaur -> RE: Gifts Delivery (12/28/2012 14:07:57)

Glad the person likes the gift I made them :3

aNyThInG -> RE: Gifts Delivery (12/28/2012 16:08:25)

I laughed at mine! XD Hahaha. It's cute :3

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: Gifts Delivery (12/28/2012 17:50:41)


Here's who i made my gifts for.



However, I also created 5 extra gifts when PyroPuppy called for SantaDragon ;)

He'll have to reveal who the other gifts went to, because I honestly have no idea who got what.

Happy late holidays, I hope you all enjoyed the event, the fun, and the challenge.

UnderSoul -> RE: Gifts Delivery (12/28/2012 20:55:08)

Wait... it says the person I made my gift for hasn't been on since '07...

descendingAsterisk -> RE: Gifts Delivery (12/28/2012 21:03:30)

Eeep thanks so much shishkabibal<3 it's beautiful. :'D
and phew.

spikedinosaur -> RE: Gifts Delivery (12/28/2012 22:39:04)

Who made my gift? O_O

King Helios -> RE: Gifts Delivery (12/28/2012 23:26:18)

My person definitely knows me. Thank you!

DaiTigris -> RE: Gifts Delivery (12/28/2012 23:34:00)

Aww, I Like whoever made that signature for me. It's rather cute. Come out here secret gift giver so I can thank you. [:)]

Womba -> RE: Gifts Delivery (12/29/2012 0:20:48)


:OO I love my gift! Thank you so much to whoever made mine! Who made mine? I have my guesses...

Everyone's gifts are so awesome, all of you did an awesome job! Thank you, everyone!

Since you asked, it was me.

Now who knew I liked MLP AND blue so much? [;)]

Ronin -> RE: Gifts Delivery (12/29/2012 0:30:38)

@pai: :D :D Thanks so much :D It looks so darned amazing.

And since everyone's doing it.


Akecza's gift is my doing.

spikedinosaur -> RE: Gifts Delivery (12/29/2012 2:06:48)

@Dai, I made it !

Hopeful Guy -> RE: Gifts Delivery (12/29/2012 6:50:11)

KH: Me!

Odin Fatalis -> RE: Gifts Delivery (12/29/2012 13:40:42)

I love my gift thank you !

spikedinosaur -> RE: Gifts Delivery (12/29/2012 13:52:13)

@Odin, glad you liked it

Arthur -> RE: Gifts Delivery (12/29/2012 14:01:08)

Since it's now in trend, let me at it too.


I made the gift for BlueKatz.

Joerte -> RE: Gifts Delivery (12/29/2012 14:05:36)

Ok who made my gift? The person I made it for hasn't showed any signs of wanting to know so I will refrain from stating who I made it for.

Edit: Thanks Pyropuppy it looks awesome.

DaiTigris -> RE: Gifts Delivery (12/29/2012 14:23:46)

Thank you so much spikedinosaur. ^D^


Now who knew I liked MLP AND blue so much?

Guilty as charged Womba [;)], with the exception that using the color blue was a complete(but happy) coincidence.

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