achievements (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [EpicDuel] >> EpicDuel Suggestions


KEzAx -> achievements (12/27/2012 10:16:34)

the achievemetns you have bought from the achievemnt shoip should be gone from the achievement shop

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: achievements (12/27/2012 10:33:28)

i support this, even though it is not necessary but it would be good if done in the DEV's free time

Banir -> RE: achievements (12/27/2012 11:06:48)


AliveSlayer -> RE: achievements (12/27/2012 11:45:36)

Supported. :)

ninja.fighter -> RE: achievements (12/28/2012 4:57:11)

supported because u can't buy them or do anything else

Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: achievements (12/28/2012 5:48:22)


I cant keep track of what i already have and what i have to buy.
So, this would make it alot easier.

RageSoul -> RE: achievements (12/28/2012 5:50:21)

This idea makes quite sense to the game's cheevos so.... SUPPORTED!

Scyze -> RE: achievements (12/28/2012 7:45:36)

Sweet idea! It's a pain if you have a lot of Achievements and don't know if you already own the one you are about to click.

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