Some New Ideas (Full Version)

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Surrender -> Some New Ideas (12/27/2012 15:46:13)

Hello everyone [:)]

Forgive me for my primitive English.[:D]

Here's Some Ideas, Hope it's helpful.
- Some players has more than 1 character in same account, so it would be so cool if there's a "Storage" between both characters, so only my account can use the "Storage" to put in, take out weapons, credits etc.
And that's not a "Currency Transfer" if you mean 2 different accounts can trade stuff or credits, it's not like that.

- New Yeti Ability, Which we use "Bots" to attack or else debuffing, but what if there's a bot maybe the new Yeti
has a new ability which is "it give me +5 defense or resistance" for 3 turns, or even the whole battle long? plus attacking of course, Also it can be named "Flying Yeti" as it can be visible, playing above his owner.

- As for weapons, maybe you can create a new "Yeti" weapons which it give you the same ability "+5 defense or resistance"

that's it^^
Kind Regards

Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: Some New Ideas (12/27/2012 18:53:19)

Yeti ability: OP, expecially with a 5 focus build.
New yeti wep: Also OP. A normal weps can give max 4 def or 4 resistance points.
And thats when the wep has everything focussed on one/two stats like Cadens wrath or Charfades club.

arthropleura -> RE: Some New Ideas (12/27/2012 20:19:21)

I believe the character thing has been suggested multiple times. I did so once myself, no results ._.

hawtnezz -> RE: Some New Ideas (12/28/2012 4:13:49)

the normal yeti will eat your gun and aux... maybe the omega can do this stuff :D who knows

anyways primitive English is way better than the teen talk thee days. look at the writing on the declaration of independence.. no one talks like that anymore

Remorse -> RE: Some New Ideas (12/28/2012 4:28:31)

I like the all character storage idea.

RageSoul -> RE: Some New Ideas (12/28/2012 5:49:01)


-Some players has more than 1 character in same account, so it would be so cool if there's a "Storage" between both characters, so only my account can use the "Storage" to put in, take out weapons, credits etc.
And that's not a "Currency Transfer" if you mean 2 different accounts can trade stuff or credits, it's not like that.

Hmmm , this seems similar to - oh right , this one ( below ) .


New Yeti Ability, Which we use "Bots" to attack or else debuffing, but what if there's a bot maybe the new Yeti
has a new ability which is "it give me +5 defense or resistance" for 3 turns, or even the whole battle long? plus attacking of course, Also it can be named "Flying Yeti" as it can be visible, playing above his owner.


- As for weapons, maybe you can create a new "Yeti" weapons which it give you the same ability "+5 defense or resistance"

Kinda OPed and crazy , dontcha think?

Surrender -> RE: Some New Ideas (12/28/2012 12:15:06)

Well the idea is to make the game as simple as it can be.

He he, Lord Aegis, I honestly haven't seen, till now [;)]

- Oh, maybe they create a Yeti who can hit both targets ^^ Same as Dage Boomstick [:D]

Kind Regards ^^

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