NDB -> Support (12/27/2012 17:21:54)
On the topic of Rage (my other post http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=20974008), I have another suggestion to help make Rage and Support more balanced. To make sure I know what I'm doing, is it true that most players think that support is UP? Is it true that many players think Rage is unbalanced with strength players (they actually attack an get Rage extremely easily + the only way to counter them, Tank, is defeated by Rage etc.)? That the Support increase on Rage is useless or ineffective, that Adrenaline is UP? If "yes" to any of these questions, I hope you will take my suggestion seriously. What if support increased the amount of defenses ignored with rage instead of increasing the speed in which you obtained Rage? So, here's how it works. If both players have equal support, the base Rage would be 45% ignore, like how it is currently. With every support advantage of 5, your ability to ignore increases by +1% and the opposing players would decrease by 1%. The cap will be 30%-60% (in order to reach the cap, you need to have a 75 support advantage over the opponent) That way, strength users, with less support, ignore less, and as a result are not so strong, while support players ignore more. Example: Player A: 40 support, 30 defenses. Player B: 70 support, 30 defenses. When Player A uses Rage on Player B, he/she will only ignore 39%=11.7 or 12 more damage. When Player B does, he/he will ignore 51%= 15.3 or 16 (ED round-ups) or 16 more damage. Fair?