Lycus -> RE: More info about Omega (12/28/2012 17:31:07)
I would just like to point out that it is not completely possible for us to do this. Mainly because already, trying to get the release ready we have had to cut out a lot of features we really wanted to include, if we started giving daily updates/frequent, to be able to do that everyday/frequently we would end up giving away every part of the release. If we then had to cut one more feature to be able to release, you would all be more disappointed, let alone would you know the release inside out before it is released, which makes it no where near as exciting since there are no nice little surprises. I understand everyone is eager to learn more, but the majority of the plan has been announced already in the Design Notes, what has not been said is what is not ready to be announced for one reason or another. More Design Notes will come as soon as possible, for those who are not aware, AE like almost every other company of its sort have a few days rest to allow the staff to go back home for Christmas. This means that they do not have the time to be typing up the Design Notes etc. now they are back, they will be able to sort out these things and bring you Design Notes as soon as they are ready and we are ready to announce the information.