Bigger map/More Map - Locations (Full Version)

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J.U.S.T.I.C.E. -> Bigger map/More Map - Locations (12/28/2012 14:41:41)

As we all know from Alpha to almost Omega, there have been big changes to the map. However, shouldn't ED focus on this a little more? Look at all the space - especially the volcano area :D. Also, whether or not to improve this idea, should varium players get access to one or two more places than non var? Just an Idea.

Please reply

DeathGuard -> RE: Bigger map/More Map - Locations (12/28/2012 15:19:27)

What's the point in expanding if it will just be an empty area? Devs will develop storylines in the future just as Frysteland area and release new areas. No need to hurry area releases.

EDIT: About the varium/nonvarium thing, not supported. I'm a varium player myself and I think all should enjoy of the few areas ED offers to the players. Varium will be used for special features or fast upgrade-enhancements in Omega so no point in excluding nonvariums of an area.

J.U.S.T.I.C.E. -> RE: Bigger map/More Map - Locations (12/28/2012 15:23:06)

I was just making a suggestion for the future. Sorry if you took it the wrong way..

Stabilis -> RE: Bigger map/More Map - Locations (12/28/2012 15:38:32)

I prefer refreshing new designs for older areas as opposed to adding new areas with no purpose.

Chosen 0ne -> RE: Bigger map/More Map - Locations (12/28/2012 16:24:26)

Lets finish off adding all the rooms first. Like the Lawmans 2nd floor.

Crimson Eagle -> RE: Bigger map/More Map - Locations (12/28/2012 17:55:11)

Varium only rooms...?
What is this? Club Penguin?

Lycus -> RE: Bigger map/More Map - Locations (12/28/2012 19:44:04)

We will most definitely be expanding over the map a lot more in the future! The issue is that it takes a lot of time and effort to make a new area. For one it needs some sort of purpose, in other words, it needs to have some relevance to the story line. Then all of the art needs to be created, Backgrounds, NPC's etc. most likely items to be sold by an NPC there. Then it needs to be completely coded so it all moves properly and the rooms all have boundaries so you cannot just run every where. Making a new map is a lot of work, especially if we want to do it right.

We would love to fill up the map with a huge variety of different places to venture, however time does not allow it to happen quickly, and it will be gradual. As has been said in the Design Notes we have been paying attention more to overhauling existing maps like Fortune City and Central Station, which before we released the overhaul looked very different. We want to make the existing maps look as great as they can, then we can move on to trying to make new ones when the time is there.

So overall, yes, we will certainly be bringing out new maps, it is just not a quick process!

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