=AQ= Frostval Gift Delivery 2012 War Stories and Poems (Full Version)

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Elryn -> =AQ= Frostval Gift Delivery 2012 War Stories and Poems (12/28/2012 16:43:39)

Here is where you may post your war stories and poems. Have fun and please remember to follow the rules in both AE forums and the L&L rules.

For this thread :

1) One post per person. If you have an ongoing story, please just edit your post to continue it. Do not make a new post to add to your story. New major events in AQ will receive a new thread.

2) Please do not comment on the stories in this thread. If you wish to comment on the stories, please go to =AQ= Frostval Gift Delivery 2012 War Stories and Poems Commentary

Darius -> RE: =AQ= Frostval Gift Delivery 2012 War Stories and Poems (12/29/2012 21:47:02)

This is a Frostval carol in the style of Bing Crosby's "White Christmas." I call it, "Red Frostval."

I'm dreaming, of a red Frostval,
Just like the ones I used to know.
Where the war rares glisten and, Moglins listen,
To hear, armies in the snow! (Ohh noooes!)

I'm dreaming, of a red Frostval,
With every Frostval war I fight!
May your kills be bloody, and BLAAAAAZING!
And may all, your Giftboxen open on time!

Kalle29 -> RE: =AQ= Frostval Gift Delivery 2012 War Stories and Poems (1/4/2013 13:35:38)

Kalle was searching for firewood in the cold, frozen landscape that was Lore at this time of year. It wasn't very difficult since trees were in abundance. He picked up some dead sticks that looked dry and sighed to himself; he didn't want to think about it, but it was now more imminent than ever; his father was very ill and was soon about to die. Everyone had known about the disease for a long time, but it was only in the latest month that it had taken a turn for the worse. During Kalle's childhood the disease couldn't even be noticed, which had made him repress the thought about how it someday would strike, and that there was no way to stop it.

Now as the cold truth was tearing their family apart, he thought back about his life. There wasn't that much to think about really, Kalle had barely left his adolescence and his father was always working to support the family. It was a huge task since Kalle's mother had died giving birth, and the soil the family owned was not very fertile; during especially difficult famines they relied on their friends to support them. Kalle always thanked the elmental lords that his family had such good friends, but he didn't see the point in that anymore.

As he walked home he noticed that the sun was low on the horizon, it was now twilight. "Have I really been out the entire day?" Kalle thought to himself.

The sun was beautiful, and made everything shine in a red, soothing light which could only happen at this time of day. The twilight made him think of something, this mediator of day and night reminded him of his father, and how he was in between life and death. And just as his father, the sun lit up his world; but it was doomed to fall into darkness. Soon, very soon, both these lights would be gone, and he better get home before either one of them is put out.

His father was asleep when he got home. He was lying in one of the two beds that the litte cottage had, completely covered in blankets to keep warm since the house was very poorly insulated. Kalle immediately started to put the dry wood on the fire which lit up their home. After a few minutes of warming up, he had to make food, luckily, they had some herbs and spices. So Kalle mixed them together with some snow to make soup. Kalle was not a master chef but the food he made was at least decent.

He took one bowl of soup and brought it to his father's bed. "Dad" he said whilst shaking his father's shoulder. "Dad, I've made you some soup, you've got to eat if you want to keep your strength"

His father opened his eyes and looked a bit confused, but once he saw his child he simply said "Thank you son".

He groaned whilst trying to sit up and had a painful expression on his face; it was obvious that he was not feeling well. He then took the bowl of soup and began to eat the watery mixture inside.

Kalle thought about his relationship with his father, they had always been close and he had always been there for him, despite all the work he had to do. He thought about the time he was taught how to swim, how to hunt and just simply how to survive and the fact that there had only been a few of these moments in his entire life, all of that made this moment much more difficult. His father was the only family he had left, his mother, sister and brother were all dead, and the only one left was now his entire family and best friend. To lose all that was not something he wanted to think about.

His father now put down the bowl and laid himself down in the bed. "Dad, how are you feeling" Kalle said nervously, fearing the worst. "Just a bit tired" his father replied, but his body language spoke differently.

"Son" the father said after a few minutes of silence "Yes" Kalle replied, more nervous then ever about what he was going to hear. "Kalle, you have always been a great son, the best a father could wish for" The father spoke calmly and somewhat solemn. "Seeing you grow up from just a child to a man has been the greatest experience of my life, and I wouldn't trade it for the world"

"Dad..." Kalle said with tears in his eyes

"Hear me out" his father interrupted "It is important that you hear what I'm about to say"

Kalle just nodded

"So" his father continued "Now that I'm at the end of my life, there is no better time than now to ask you for money"

"WHAT!?" exclaimed Kalle

And it was in that moment that Kalle realized that it was not his father in front of him, but a 40 meter long green sea monster.

"What are you doing here Loch-Ness monster?" Kalle said in a very upset tone.

The monster did not answer as it cannot talk, however, it ran through the wall and flew back to Scotland on a rainbow. It was not a graceful sight.

"Oh God damn it" Kalle said, "now I've gotta fix the wall too"


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