Daily Exile vs Legion war (new type) (Full Version)

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Baydraze -> Daily Exile vs Legion war (new type) (12/29/2012 7:22:23)

I will explain this. Like other games there is a war a couple times a day. This would take a lot of time for the Devs to make this but it would be pretty cool.

The idea: People from different level areas(like 30-35) can choose to fight in this war or not. If they do they get teleported to a special area(The .... Area)
Here people will be wait with a max. of like 100 players. They will have to wait 10 minutes till both sides(Exile and Legion) have enough players.

After the 10 minutes there shows up a message which says GO EXILE/GO LEGION !!!

There will show up a list with all player names of the enemy's side. Both sides can choose who they want to fight by clicking the -fight- button which is next to the characters name.

Of course its the goal to win as much as battles for your side, this within 30 minutes. So far this would be only possible by doing a solo fight against someone else from the other alignment.

The strongest people should ofcourse fight the other strong players. The weaker players and non-var players should fight the weaker players from the other alignment.

If the strongest players would only fight against easy targets they wouldnt get any more points(ill explain this later) and then the weaker people had to fight the stronger people in order
to get more wins for their side.

The point system:

However, the more kills you make doesnt mean you get more points(this to prevent strong players to only quickly attack a weaker target to get more wins)

The alignment which has the most wins of both sides will WIN. Every player would get 1000 credits. Now you would think players who did only 1 fight would get this much credits so easy?

NO. Every player has to win at least 1 battle and play within 5 minutes when they are back in the AREA.

NOW - The winning alignment will get the 1000 credits and the other side 500 credits.

People will think: If I win a battle every minute I get 30 x 32 = 960 credits and a chance to win a price.. -----BUT-----

There is more: The winning alignment gets a one-person-only price(this is a random or specific price which the devs have to choose)

Every player will get a prize box. In this box there will be a prize. People can sell this box for 100 credits or open it. If they open it the prize can be nothing BUT it has a small chance to be a BIG PRIZE.

This is not everything.
The one-person-only price will be moved to someones inventory. This is a specific price, like a bike or something. Everyone has to click on a random generator which will pick a random person.
This person gets the PRIZE!!!

This war would only be a few times a day so people would not be bored and doing f4f and even stop the game forever.

Feedback is welcome!

bountysai -> RE: Daily Exile vs Legion war (new type) (12/29/2012 11:37:45)

good idea but some changes needed

what if some players leave in middle

what about the present war system

what if all players are lv 35 in one side

Baydraze -> RE: Daily Exile vs Legion war (new type) (12/29/2012 13:32:25)

@ bountysai

I understand that one alignment can loose hard if people just log of at that moment, but those are things which just happen like someone leaving at 2 vs 2 and you lose.
I dont know what would happen to the current war system, but thats quiet bored:P
And high levels at one side and low levels on the other side is also something u cant do anything about unless all lvl 35's or so get teleported to the area.

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