rayniedays56 -> RE: How to Counter OP Stuff (12/31/2012 1:38:30)
Here are some counters for people that need a bit of help dealing with the mass of OPness going on: BloodMage: Strength -TLM-Atom Strike at least 2-3 times. Use a build with HIGH defenses. Heal Loop. -Merc-Atom Strike at least 2 times. Use a Tank Build. Intimidate is your best friend. -TM-With a strength build, their defenses are significantly weaker. Malf them, and there goes their deflect rate. Defense Matrix stops the dreaded bludgeon by x damage. -CH-Malf and reduce their deflect rate. Use Def Matrix. Heal Loop. Remember, they have small defenses. EMP if needed. -BH-Smokescreen to reduce their block chance. This can stop a maxed bludgeon with 25-30+35 damage. EMP if needed. -BM-make use of their low defenses and strike strike strike. Intimidate helps some, and Deadly Aim is...deadly on RAGE. BloodMage: 5 Focus -TLM-Atom strike would help SOME, but 5 Focus BM's have learned a counter. I recommend Heal Loop and Having Nice Defenses. -Merc-Atom strike helps some, as with TLM. Intimidate to make sure they can't rage chunks off of you, and heal loop some (level 7) -TM-Malfing them takes away their gun advantage mostly, and reduces their bots. Whatever you do, do not allow the round to last above 9 rounds. -CH-Same as with TM. However, your energy is not as reliable as Reroute, so use it wisely. A high SA can stop some of their raged melee strikes. EMp works a little bit. -BH-EMp can help some. A high SA plus a high Smoke can make sure their block rate is beaten. I recommend fighting offensively. -BM-Just fight tooth and nail. Using +10 DA and haing a nice reflex boost/e shield can really make a difference. Remember to heal loop! Strength/Massacre Hunters (both) -TLM-Atom Strike on either one. If CH uses Malf, use BS. If BH uses Smoke, use Assault if you have, if not then use ranged. Tanking with a 5 focus can generate effectiveness as will heal looping also help. -Merc-Same as TLM except that you can also use Intimidate to take them down. Having a high Intimidate can ensure they hit 10-12 instead of 20-25. Tank and heal loop. -TM-If BH uses Smoke, use def matrix and malf them. If CH uses Malf, use Tech and Malf them. 5 Focus and Support works best on these. Remember to HEAL! -CH-Play the EMP game. Have an EMP of level 5-7 (35+) and drain them both. Since SC got diminshed, no worries. If E Boosters, just stall and EMP after 2 turns. Tank and Heal Loop. -BH-I find that EMPing and 5 Focus work well against the strength massacre combo. For CH's use level 1 e shield. For BH's, use level 5 RB. Just tank somewhat and wait em out. THESE are what I find to be the most common OP builds at the moment. hope this helped you all.