RE: How to Counter OP Stuff (Full Version)

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Rayman -> RE: How to Counter OP Stuff (12/30/2012 3:08:38)


BM is the only class that cannot regain energy or steal energy. All other classes can do at least one of each. =)

Thats what im triying to say...............

Modified quoted content to meet forum policy. ~eVentus

Darkeroid -> RE: How to Counter OP Stuff (12/30/2012 13:49:19)

Reflex Boost.

rayniedays56 -> RE: How to Counter OP Stuff (12/31/2012 1:38:30)

Here are some counters for people that need a bit of help dealing with the mass of OPness going on:

BloodMage: Strength

-TLM-Atom Strike at least 2-3 times. Use a build with HIGH defenses. Heal Loop.
-Merc-Atom Strike at least 2 times. Use a Tank Build. Intimidate is your best friend.
-TM-With a strength build, their defenses are significantly weaker. Malf them, and there goes their deflect rate. Defense Matrix stops the dreaded bludgeon by x damage.
-CH-Malf and reduce their deflect rate. Use Def Matrix. Heal Loop. Remember, they have small defenses. EMP if needed.
-BH-Smokescreen to reduce their block chance. This can stop a maxed bludgeon with 25-30+35 damage. EMP if needed.
-BM-make use of their low defenses and strike strike strike. Intimidate helps some, and Deadly Aim is...deadly on RAGE.

BloodMage: 5 Focus

-TLM-Atom strike would help SOME, but 5 Focus BM's have learned a counter. I recommend Heal Loop and Having Nice Defenses.
-Merc-Atom strike helps some, as with TLM. Intimidate to make sure they can't rage chunks off of you, and heal loop some (level 7)
-TM-Malfing them takes away their gun advantage mostly, and reduces their bots. Whatever you do, do not allow the round to last above 9 rounds.
-CH-Same as with TM. However, your energy is not as reliable as Reroute, so use it wisely. A high SA can stop some of their raged melee strikes. EMp works a little bit.
-BH-EMp can help some. A high SA plus a high Smoke can make sure their block rate is beaten. I recommend fighting offensively.
-BM-Just fight tooth and nail. Using +10 DA and haing a nice reflex boost/e shield can really make a difference. Remember to heal loop!

Strength/Massacre Hunters (both)

-TLM-Atom Strike on either one. If CH uses Malf, use BS. If BH uses Smoke, use Assault if you have, if not then use ranged. Tanking with a 5 focus can generate effectiveness as will heal looping also help.
-Merc-Same as TLM except that you can also use Intimidate to take them down. Having a high Intimidate can ensure they hit 10-12 instead of 20-25. Tank and heal loop.
-TM-If BH uses Smoke, use def matrix and malf them. If CH uses Malf, use Tech and Malf them. 5 Focus and Support works best on these. Remember to HEAL!
-CH-Play the EMP game. Have an EMP of level 5-7 (35+) and drain them both. Since SC got diminshed, no worries. If E Boosters, just stall and EMP after 2 turns. Tank and Heal Loop.
-BH-I find that EMPing and 5 Focus work well against the strength massacre combo. For CH's use level 1 e shield. For BH's, use level 5 RB. Just tank somewhat and wait em out.

THESE are what I find to be the most common OP builds at the moment.

hope this helped you all.

King FrostLich -> RE: How to Counter OP Stuff (12/31/2012 7:11:43)

Other than this whole argument of BM not having energy regain and steal, the best way they can survive is to just spa bot and outlast anyone with infernal bot as long as possible. If successful, then it's easy to deal tank classes.

Calogero -> RE: How to Counter OP Stuff (12/31/2012 7:32:26)

man I remember the time my 5 focus BM was unique... if only builds could be hidden -_-



Reflex Boost.

You can't count Reflex Boost as a reliable energy regain due to the effect it has
for the energy regain, you need to be hit. RB boosts Dex so it boosts Block so
in a way, the effects cancel eachother out.

theholyfighter -> RE: How to Counter OP Stuff (12/31/2012 10:01:51)

There's no way to counter OP stuff. If there is, would it be calld OPed?

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: How to Counter OP Stuff (12/31/2012 16:06:49)

@holyfighter In this game we call OP'd builds things we personally cannot counter like the old HLTM build. But there was a BH build and their might have been a Merc build that could beat a HLTM but pretty much got killed by most other builds including others using the same build. So there are counter builds to OP'd build but they may not be very effective against much of anything else

The Astral Fury -> RE: How to Counter OP Stuff (12/31/2012 16:49:46)

But there's a level of balance. I mean for what BM lacks it gains in a another way. Blood mage has the high defense f focus build that also lined up with indimidate and field maedic can be quite deadly, so while it lacks in that department it makes up for it with that build.

jzozezjzozez -> RE: How to Counter OP Stuff (1/2/2013 1:49:44)

Nexus, to counter OP stuff, you buy even more OP stuff.

Giras Wolfe -> RE: How to Counter OP Stuff (1/2/2013 11:33:10)

5 focus bot builds are hard to counter as a bounty hunter because they're unblockable and not dependent on energy. Their defenses are simply too high to take out before they can use rage infernal android.
The only way to manage a win on them is through critical hits or rage stealing if they don't have Platinums Pride.

Strength Builds are easier. All you need is a massive defense buff or a well timed EMP.

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