Tomrrow Omega will be released? (Full Version)

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...DarkTechnology... -> Tomrrow Omega will be released? (12/30/2012 15:08:25)

Will 2mrrow be the release of omega ? cuz they said in january today is 31 here 3:51am so just wondering will it be 1st or at later like 6th 3rd of january?

You can discuss here what u think or when u think Omega will be released and what u think about the game currently and how it will be in omega .

Mother1 -> RE: Tomrrow Omega will be released? (12/30/2012 16:16:44)

I highly doubt omega will be released on the first day of januarary. Remember the staff is spending time with their families and aren't worrying about the game. If anything I would say maybe mid of Januarary if anything.

l Chop Suey l -> RE: Tomrrow Omega will be released? (12/30/2012 16:43:08)

@above Yes I agree I'm also doubting it because devs need the extra time to relax from the holidays so I'm hoping next friday if possible or sooner because Omega is a mega huge update.

Unknown Menace -> RE: Tomrrow Omega will be released? (12/30/2012 17:17:00)

Pulling out 15 hours of work a day is a achievment on itself so they can have as much time as they desire to release omega. Really it's healthy to take a break when working as much as that, they are only human.

Ranloth -> RE: Tomrrow Omega will be released? (12/30/2012 17:22:10)

I seen Trizz and NW tweet on Christmas Eve:

@Nightwraith_ED hope you have a great christmas with your family!!! have fun!!!! and work on more awesome omega art when you get back :D


Nightwraith ‏@Nightwraith_ED
@TRizZzCENTRINO who says I stopped?

So despite having the few days off, they may still do some work every now and then and resume full-time work just after the New Year. ^^

Goony -> RE: Tomrrow Omega will be released? (12/30/2012 20:57:14)

@ ...DarkTechnology... We are all Yeti for Omega, but Omega is not Yeti yet!

The developers will write a new design notes early in the new year when they have a better idea when they will release the update. I can tell you as a tester that there is still a lot to do before it is ready and depending on how many new features that they include with the launch will impact on the date Omega is delivered.

Om Nom Nomega...

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Tomrrow Omega will be released? (12/30/2012 20:58:47)

@Trans yup, they are always hard workers ^^.

anyways most should just follow the DEVs on twitter and read the design notes before asking when omega will be released, instead of asking on the forum. everything that's about to happen will appear on the design notes, and when it is about to release new events, the DEVs will do count downs on twitter, what each players think doesn't really give you correct info. but i can tell you that it will release between the 15th of January to the 25th of January.

King Helios -> RE: Tomrrow Omega will be released? (12/30/2012 21:16:16)

I wish it would be released tomorrow, but no. They will probably make a Design Note(s) 1-3 days before the update.

Inappropriate comment removed. Stay on topic, ~Tanky

Deiselman -> RE: Tomrrow Omega will be released? (12/30/2012 23:03:05)

personaly i don t care if omega gets delayed an extra month all i want is at least SOMETHING new to do

SouL Prisoner -> RE: Tomrrow Omega will be released? (12/31/2012 0:48:38)

Lol, anymore delay , I'll start to lose the excitement and interest in omega ..

It's good to wait and have patients, but 1 month is definitely enough .... Though it's not like they mean to delay, but I guess they could cut out one or two feAtures for the next week update, I mean they should have something else to release next week(the week after omega release)

Lycus -> RE: Tomrrow Omega will be released? (12/31/2012 10:03:23)

The release will not be coming tomorrow, as G00NY said, there will be design notes coming soon after the new year explaining the situation a bit more. The staff have all been enjoying their Christmas break with their families as well as it being New Years Eve today, however they have been working hard still over their holidays on Omega. Of course, they have not been able to pull any 20 hours days off at all, since they do need to enjoy their breaks!

The release will come as soon as it is ready and we will try to let you know an accurate time period for when that will be. With the amount of features that have already been scrapped due to time constraints, we are very reluctant to scrap any more, since it will make this release less than it should be. With the amount of changes being made to the key areas of the game, huge amounts of testing on every feature is also required. So it sadly will not just be an over night thing. We will continue to put 100% into the release to make sure that it is ready and stable as soon as we possibly can. We will not release it in any state less than fully ready.

theholyfighter -> RE: Tomrrow Omega will be released? (12/31/2012 10:05:26)


Om Nom Nomega...

No Omega...

SouL Prisoner -> RE: Tomrrow Omega will be released? (12/31/2012 10:19:11)

Oh well :/


Lord Machaar -> RE: Tomrrow Omega will be released? (12/31/2012 18:21:42)

Let me sum up what @Lycus said:
Muga' is not coming on january nor february... because there are a lot of things to be tested and a lot of features to be developed.

Calogero -> RE: Tomrrow Omega will be released? (12/31/2012 18:36:29)

I wonder why they gave themselves the impossible 20th december
then if it still requires a lot of testing...[/quote]

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Tomrrow Omega will be released? (12/31/2012 19:17:40)

@above they did cut alot of features out for it to be able or have a chance of releasing at 20th of December, but they think it is not worth it and should let this phase have more features and missions to keep players busy when it is released.

Whirlwindstorm2 -> RE: Tomrrow Omega will be released? (12/31/2012 19:23:08)

I say delay the update and add back the features that were cut. It was already delayed, so a little longer wait won't make that much of a difference when more features are at stake. In addition, for many, school finals are roughly in January, making it harder to be able to play as much. If the update could wait towards the end, and INCLUDE all those many things that were cut due to the time constraint, that'd be wonderful! Players would have more time to play a much more enjoyable release.

sHiNNNe -> RE: Tomrrow Omega will be released? (12/31/2012 19:31:55)

They said idk why they said this date ....

ambien -> RE: Tomrrow Omega will be released? (12/31/2012 22:15:14)

try the 3rd maybe

always the syfy[;)]

Remorse -> RE: Tomrrow Omega will be released? (12/31/2012 22:33:17)


Don't forget this game isn't limited to America...

For most people which includes people who dont go to school anymore, this is the holiday period in which most people have holidays which means it should be released as close to the holiday period as possible.

If they waited past this period just so those having finals had more time my assumption is they will be upsetting more of the community by missing the holiday period.

Whirlwindstorm2 -> RE: Tomrrow Omega will be released? (12/31/2012 23:23:22)

@Remorse. I completely agree. My suggestion was only if they could not manage to release it before work days begin again. Of course, it'd be best if it could be released during the holidays. (:

Yo son -> RE: Tomrrow Omega will be released? (1/1/2013 3:26:01)

anything passed the 2nd week of January is a delay.

comicalbike -> RE: Tomrrow Omega will be released? (1/1/2013 3:53:21)

all i have to say is lets wait for a very good release than a bad one full of bugs

DestruRaGe -> RE: Tomrrow Omega will be released? (1/1/2013 10:38:57)

Hopefully this friday. But I doubt that...

willendorf -> RE: Tomrrow Omega will be released? (1/1/2013 23:21:11)

I would rather have a really good release containing all of the base changes in omega come rather early, and then have a series of smaller releases containing the rest over a length of time, that way it stays interesting for a while...

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