Giftbox Armour X-XXX - Z 2012 (Full Version)

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Dragoon23 -> Giftbox Armour X-XXX - Z 2012 (12/30/2012 21:11:05)

[image][/image] [image][/image]
Giftbox Armour [Version] - Z 2012

«Fully offensive, flat-resistance armor.»

Also see: Giftbox Armour I-XXX 2012

Note: See Appendix for information in the brackets.

Addition note: This item no longer exists and turned into Moglord Tortress Z.

Level: [Level]
Power Level: [PLevel]
Price: [Price]
Sellback: [1st48H] Z-Tokens the first 48 Hours; [Afr48H] Z-Tokens after 48 Hours
Location: Guardian Tower » Frostval shops » Armors
Element: Neutral

Melee: [Melee]
Ranged: [Ranged]
Magic: [Magic]

Fire: [Fire]%
Water: [Water]%
Wind: [Wind]%
Ice: [Ice]%
Earth: [Earth]%
Energy: [Energy]%
Light: [Light]%
Darkness: [Dark]%

Hits: 3
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: «As Weapon»
Damage: [BR]/3% Base, Random and [Stat]/3% Stats each
BTH: +[BTH] each

This isn't exactly what you had in mind when you wanted to take a peek inside the giftbox... Oh well, GIFTBOX-FU!

Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Template thanks to Koree.

Dragoon23 -> RE: Giftbox Armour X-XXX - Z 2012 (12/30/2012 21:19:17)


Basic Stats
Version	X	XV	XX	XXV	XXX	
Level	22	62	90	115	140	
PLvl	54	78	103	128	153	
Price	850	3050	7400	9500	12250	
1st48H	765	2745	6660	8550	11025	
Afr48H	425	1525	3700	4750	6125	

Version	X	XV	XX	XXV	XXX	
BR	327.5	417.5	511.25	605	698.75	
Stat	570	768.75	975	1181.25	1387.5	
BtH	6	9	12	16	19	

Combat Defences
Version	X	XV	XX	XXV	XXX	
Melee	35	38	41	43	46	
Ranged	35	38	41	43	46	
Magic	35	38	41	43	46	

Version	X	XV	XX	XXV	XXX	
Fire	84	80	76	72	69	
Water	84	80	76	72	69	
Wind	84	80	76	72	69	
Ice	84	80	76	72	69	
Earth 	84	80	76	72	69	
Energy	84	80	76	72	69	
Light 	84	80	76	72	69	
Dark	84	80	76	72	69	

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