King Helios -> Contender List for the Golden Yeti! (12/31/2012 10:52:03)
Hello EpicDuel, This is a list of contenders for the Olden Yeti! Put your character name below if you have the ticket and can play, and I will add you! Ultimate List of Contenders for the Golden Yeti! ...Sr.Eddye. ..p l i s k.. . LeGaCy . .Pinkie Pie. A P O L O G Y AmberDawne Rayne aomont The Mage AVA Beastmaster7 Ch0p Suey Closen coldnightmare Comicalbiker CoNqRr Da Bomb Expert DANGER LOVE Darth Vader . Death Killer 12345 Deathnightmare Dr Chaoz Drianx DUKE23526 Exploding Penguin Gassia. Gag on a Fish GoldSlayer1 iep J.U.S.T.I.C.E. Kess Love koollo Latin Lover Matt 1000 Mew626 Motka 3 Mr. Clean XD mother1 Nemesis30 noiz premra1 PRIMAL ASSASSIN Q...Q Quenexus RyIke Sir Hulk Slashkilla 2nd sha 2nd mage Smackie El Frog Soul Prisnor Sr. Meneguzzo Sr. Zeph Sr.frost STRUT MY MUTT Sundance Sympleton The.master.kiler The Ch0sen One Trans. TriZzCENTRINO Vegafire. waxor Xendran Xhanitus XscarfaceX XxTrucho WreckerXxX XxXWhiteEagleXxX XxXZ0ROXxX xx s.w.a.g xx Amount: 67