Giras Wolfe -> RE: Omega with its Copy Builds (1/2/2013 10:55:13)
Lol, Xendran. :P If players want to copy your build, be flattered. If you want to annoy them, get a build with a convoluted strategy so they will not know how to use it once they have it. Besides, 50 bucks says it'll cost like 200,000 credits or 1500 varium to re-enhance a single item exactly the way you want it, so its not going to be quite that easy to match someone else's build 100%. I think most of the players worth fighting would be more interested in developing their own strategy. Build copiers can be beaten with experience. I am looking forward to being able to change the base stats of items, because items like the delta claws are fabulous weapons with great artwork, but an atrocious stat spread. I still hold that the price of changing base stats will most likely be prohibitive to rampant exploitation, but will rather be handy for tweaking a favorite weapon, or making a "classic" item like the Alpha Blaster or Perferator Claws useful again for old times sake. Just like with the ability to change classes, it will in a way encourage exploiting overpowered builds, but its simply a feature we need to have whether or not it brings up some abuse issues. I think we'll have the same situation with custom weapons. But really this is all speculation, until the feature and its details are released we can't really conclusively decided if it's a good idea. I, for one, am optimistic. ~Gir