Over Souled (Full Version)

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Optrick -> Over Souled (1/2/2013 11:09:42)

The journey of Kira as he traverses this new mysterious land in hope to reach SleepyWolf to find the answers to his questions!

Discussion thread here I guess...?

Before Anything get's done... "Keep all AE fanfiction works consistent within the Artix Entertainment game chosen as its setting." Those who know this rule should know that it can be broken, appropriately, and I think I did so. This is my first time posting a fanfic so if I did something wrong just let me know! ^_^

-Pre Face-
The Curse of Contract

It was a dark gloomy day. The smell of rain hanged in the air as it mingled with salt from the lake. The dirt was cold, moist and dark rich brown. The sun, a spirit of the world, lay dead in the middle of the sky. It was, for a lack of better words, a very lazy afternoon in the Overworld.
Kira lay back under an old pine tree. He looked below himself and saw his eternal curse… A glowing blue ruin inlaid with mysterious symbols known only to a fiend. Kira thought back to the fateful day when he sold his soul for eternal glory…

It was a sunny day in Battleon, Kira's hometown; the young warrior has been training for years and today was his last. He had been learning the wills of a warrior and the magic of a healer. All he wanted was to follow in the footsteps of his hero, Artix Von Krieger and finally his chance arrived. After rigorous tests he was a full-bodied paladin. This day was the greatest honor he ever felt before, and the last time he could feel like a true hero.

Suddenly Kira received an urgent message from the Paladin's Order on patrol at the Royal Citadel. Apparently the Grand Inquisitor was showing deep signs of corruption. All warriors were being called in as reinforcements, especially paladins. Kira arrived almost instantly, being eager to prove himself to the paladin veterans. Kira was so eager he chose a most unwise path. It was a shortcut through the ancient caves that border The Citadel. After twists and turns, once through the middle, then up a ridge, then back down and up another, Kira came to a large opening protected heavily by dark magic. He heard a thunderous and evil voice come into his head... "If you seek passage to His domain, bring fourth fifty bones of dust."

Kira jumped with shock and fright. What could this voice mean? Is this the Inquisitor's magic? Or that of another…? He put it out of his mind and began to turn back when, from out of the shadows, a mysterious and shadowy figure appeared.

"Can't get through huh?" He said, in a raspy worn out voice. "Don't worry I can give you what you need..."

"What do you mean stranger?" Kira replied, drawing his battle-axe to a fighting position. Kira sensed another spirit in the room, but could not see another person. "Are you alone?" Kira asked timidly.

"One is never alone under the watchful eyes of the Arch Fiend." The stranger laughed in a cracked voice. “Now sign the contract and be down with it!” The stranger said making a mysterious black contract appeared before Kira in a flash of brilliant flames.
“Contract… to what?” Kira wondered aloud.

“Why, none other than the Mighty Arch Fiend. Worry not though paladin… The Arch Fiend is kind, in his own ways, he will give you a weapon ten times stronger than yours and filled with nothing but the purist light. Well? Do we have a deal?”
Kira in a foolish need of power signed the contract before him and was granted a shining golden axe that was covered with mighty noble dragons. As the golden axe touched his hands he felt a sense of true malevolence. A circle formed around his feet and consumed his being.

That was the last time Kira wasn’t fighting to keep his soul...

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