Optrick -> RE: [OS] Over Souled Discussion (1/2/2013 12:24:58)
I get what you're saying X3 The preface does take place in AQW for the most part (The preface was Kira's reflection on how he got there) that's how Kira got to Oversoul/Overworld. I could have made it more defined that he was in a different dimension then Oversoul at the time but I think I'll explain it more in part 2-3. If you'll notice Kira was called to the Citadel, which in AQW is the opening to Miltonus/Nulgaths world. The contract, an in game item, gives you 1 of 3 weapons, one of which being a golden dragon axe. I sorta imagined the contract in AQW being... wait... spoilers.