New 2V2 Class (Full Version)

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DA BOSS IS HERE -> New 2V2 Class (1/6/2013 17:50:01)

Maybe a 2v2 class because most classes are for quick 1v1 battles. The effects could be:
This class could be a sword class because most classes can't use other weapons and sword can be used in any class.

Row 1

Double Strike
Hybrid Armour

Row 2

Static Charge
Blood Shield
MP Grenade

Row 3

Malfunction or Smoke Screen
Energy Strike: Takes Energy from both targets cost health
Stun Grenade

Row 4

Surgical Strike
Shadow Arts
Deadly Aim

I know this might not be good but it was just a quick thing of the top of my head

arthropleura -> RE: New 2V2 Class (1/6/2013 17:56:21)

3 passives right there xD. Static charge +hybrid+ deadly aim cannot be great either -.-

Mother1 -> RE: New 2V2 Class (1/6/2013 18:09:56)

Not supported. This class sound OP one, and 3 passives? Not thank you.

nub4u -> RE: New 2V2 Class (1/6/2013 18:37:53)

static charge is NOT a passive (and if im mistaken..then some1 go edit wiki for saying: Static Charge: Adds a percentage of your damage done to an opponent to your energy pool....doesn't say passive skill or passivly adds energy or w/e)
and yh this sounds OPed...however i agree there should be some differences between jugger/2v2 and 1v1 class...but i'm thinking more in the way: u choose a class then u choose what u'll do with it (1v1 or 2v2/jugger) and then u get skill tree for 1v1 or seperate 1 for 2v2 (and u can only go to 1v1 with 1v1 skill tree)...sorry for making it confusing, but can't explain better. so im half-supporting this idea ^^

Stabilis -> RE: New 2V2 Class (1/6/2013 18:40:37)


You have 1 new skill.


Mother1 -> RE: New 2V2 Class (1/6/2013 18:43:10)


It is still three apassives

Deadly aim
Shadow arts
Hybrid armor

those are the passives and we counted three.

nub4u -> RE: New 2V2 Class (1/6/2013 18:59:57)

i never said there arent 3..just said static isn't 1 of them..(meaning if u count it right u did now)
+ just curious..would u support a new class if it wouldn't be OPed (and only for 2v2 or jugger if possible) ?

ED Prince of Shadows -> RE: New 2V2 Class (1/6/2013 20:47:21)

I could see so many 5 focus tanks with this ^^

On topic: We do not need another class atm when our SIX are not balanced.

nub4u -> RE: New 2V2 Class (1/6/2013 20:51:38)

^if u put it that way..i agree..balancing those 6 comes 1st :D

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: New 2V2 Class (1/6/2013 21:03:56)

lol a 2v2 class? any class can become a 2v2 class, and 3 passives is wrong, the skills sound OP. therefore not supported.

arthropleura -> RE: New 2V2 Class (1/7/2013 2:46:31)

If you look very carefully nub4u, there is a period between my TWO UNRELATED comments
A little thought into your comments maybe?

Remorse -> RE: New 2V2 Class (1/7/2013 3:16:12)

I think we shouldn't even be considering new classes until the current ones are balanced.

Plus classes are not meant to be battle mode specific.

If the game was truly balanced then all classes should be close to equally as good at each battle mode.

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