Credit prices rising (Full Version)

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Killer666 -> Credit prices rising (1/6/2013 18:45:32)

What do you think about this?

Personally credits are the only option i have. and i dont like to battle 1,000+ battles for one item... but i guess not much i can do about it.

Oba -> RE: Credit prices rising (1/6/2013 19:06:24)

Prices for items should increase a little bit, yes. Otherwise the value in varium will decrease even more. Tho, I hope the credit prices for enhancements get reduced in the new system.

Mother1 -> RE: Credit prices rising (1/6/2013 19:11:50)

I think since they are making the majority of what used to be varium exclusive items have credit prices this is a good thing. Like OBA said varium is getting a massive nerf for the sake of free to play (which many varium players don't want) So to keep Varium from becoming completely worthless this is needed.

Combatoid -> RE: Credit prices rising (1/6/2013 19:37:50)

I think the item prices should scale to the class change price(50,000 credits to 900 varium).

ED Prince of Shadows -> RE: Credit prices rising (1/6/2013 20:22:34)

You can farm NPCs for quick credits, and I bet only varium items will be expensive.

rayniedays56 -> RE: Credit prices rising (1/7/2013 2:01:14)

From the way I take it, Credit prices might be jumping up maybe 25-50%


Infernal Android costs 14,000 credits, in Omega, it will cost 17,500-21,000 credits.

While varium prices will be staying the same as they are now. HOWEVER, from what I understand in the DN's, there will be NO difference in ANY new varium/credit gear EXCEPT fro promo items.

Which will be awesome to some and hurtful to others.

However...what do I know?

I am but a player :)

LatinLover/Martini -> RE: Credit prices rising (1/7/2013 10:03:48)

It all depends on quality of the weapon, power of the weapon, and rarity of the weapon. Kinda like gas prices, sometimes they rise sometimes they fall.

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