Lord Malifact 01 -> RE: The Legion Of Truth (3/26/2013 15:03:17)
AQW Name: Lord Malifact 01 Level: (at least level 35. Level 40+ PREFERRED) I am level 40. Favorite Class: Right now, I use alpha omega Number of Rank 10 Classes: 3 ( alpha omega soon) Membership: (Yes/No)(If yes how much longer do you think is on it?) Yes, I have 3 months left. Age: (Optional) How long you have been playing: (WITH THE ACCOUNT YOU ARE APPLYING WITH!) : I have been playing since 2009. How Often Are You On: i am on every day. Depending on the new events, i am usually on for about an hour and a half. Preferred Server: (95% of the legion plays on safiria) : Safiria (obviously) Time zone and/or Country: (it would be helpful if you said what time it is when posting you message) I live in the UK. Right now the time is 19:06. The time zone is : GMT+0 Will you remain loyal to The Legion Of Truth AND ONLY the legion of truth?: Yes, I will. AQW Char Page Link: (Optional):http://www.aq.com/aw-character.asp?id=lord%20malifact%2001 Around 5pm (aqw time) on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, good enough time for a meeting? In safiria: Yulgar-5000. Thanks