Stabilis -> RE: Ally for battle (1/12/2013 9:40:01)
First of all there are balance problems if you mean allies in 2V2. With a partner that you know, you can easily prepare yourselves outside of battle to synergise well with each other. An example being both of you being Strength type and one is a Bounty Hunter, one is a Mercenary. You can design a destructive battle plan to have the Bounty Hunter use a Smokescreen and both of you pound away with melee skills for massive damage each turn. When this sort of ally link is matched against random partners, you have a massive synergy advantage majority of the time. This does not even include level differences. You might be both 35 and fully statted but your enemies may be 35 and 30 because it DOES happen. And of course there is always the communication factor. Imagine entering 2V2 and someone who speaks Finn is your partner. You need them to do something really badly but you are unable to tell them how. With preset partners this is not a problem. This is why I believe allied 2V2 should be it's own battle mode... because it is not random 2V2 anymore! You know what your team will be and that is imbalanced.