ThePriest -> Suggestion for Omega (1/12/2013 13:55:21)
I have some thoughts about omega update, But since my English is not the best, so I will try to write as briefly and clearly as I can so you understand my ideas, So try to read before judging me. Nr 1, Skill Core ? + Funny when new builder will arrive. - Becomes difficult to plan tactics when you can not see the core the enemy has. Because you can always remember the special weapons and armor special skills. But this is impossible to keep track of all the skills core players can have and not have. Especially when you can probably replace them if you want. So then lost the tactical planning to check the enemy's build. It makes the epicduel to epicduel then you can still try to plan while fighting. Then you can actually see the enemy build. Hope you understand what I mean by the following. Proposals that one can do for this is of course very easy but maybe hard to put into effect this month. A, Do so you can see whatSkill Core the enemy has on its build. B,Remove completely so you can not see anything on the enemy's build. Nr 2, All weapons can be just as strong and it removes the requirement on them + Funny then more or less can style their character how they want. Without making it weaker. - Very sad & special for your dear beta / founder players. Then we actually were the ones who did this game could be it what it is today. The following things have you done for beta weapons. New higher lvl cap so new powerful weapons could come, But the beta was left on its low lvl. You made demands on skill tree as beta weapons got it more difficult to form mighty builds And now comes the beta weapons just be like a jewel. Remember when you were advertising for beta weapons. Best weapons in the game you will not need to buy anything else. No requirements for skills and so do not miss this chance now and so on. Just think it is a failure, but also know that this applies gamma delta, etc. There are various things forward and supporting the game. Proposal as follows. A, You make special skills core, for its founder armor,beta weapons, gammabot, delta weopons armor, One for each period that could sponsor the game by buying a large varium package to get someone speciel thing. As a small thank you to all our players who bought all these unique things. When beta weapons founder armor gamma bot and so on will not be so super good anymore or maybe I am wrong? B, Or maybe give something special to each player depending on how much varium be bought, who has sponsored the game with most varium should get something really unique. Then the rest divided into different lists, then of course something to everyone who bought varium. might be different special core here too? when it seems to be the new thing. Had to make a forum account for this. And hope some one more share my opinions, Thanks so much for your time to read this. And sorry for all the typos ... (Yep, it's me who is The Priest with the crazy builds.)