Skillcores on Sidearm and Aux? (Full Version)

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TalkToMuchFor2Long -> Skillcores on Sidearm and Aux? (1/12/2013 14:26:10)

I do not know what a battle would look like with skillcores on, niether do one of you reading this but I've heard that it will be possible to put skillcores on sidearms, aux's and primary weps, from what I think of this made me think that its too OP to have skillcore's on every equipable weapon except the primary of course.

I havent been looking deeply into the design notes and this is more of a question and discussing post.

Will it be possible to put skillcores on your sidearms and aux's apart from the primary weapon?
If its possible to also put skillcores on your sidearm and aux, will it be OP?

Stabilis -> RE: Skillcores on Sidearm and Aux? (1/12/2013 14:30:50)

2 on each weapon. 1 passive, 1 active. 6 in total. I did not see if this applied to armours too. It will not be OP until some crazy overpowered combo is found.

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